

My kind of day.

 Who could resist an invitation like this?
 A waft of wild rose scent and the sound of the sea
A fragment of sea urchin shell - what delightful inspiration to knit something (fairisle per chance?)
Crystal clear waters lapping at your feet with waves crashing out at sea
The tide turning and filling in the rock pools
 No wonder feathers were used as pens, this one's quill drew beautifully in the sand


  1. Oh Hawthorn, how lovely. I particularly like the fair isle idea from the sea urchin shell.

  2. That sky looks wonderful. It's been nothing but grey here today. I feel the need of blue skies and sea to help me feel better.

  3. Yes, I too go along with the fair isle challenge from that see urchin shell. Next project??

  4. There's nothing more therapeutic than the sound of the sea with its crashing waves.


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Hawthorn x

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