

The magic of moon light (and knitting....!)

Driving home tonight, the biggest moon appeared over the hills on my left. As flash-brief glimpses kept catching my eye, I almost stopped the car to look but without a safe place to pull off, I drove on.
Himself had also seen the huge moon and as soon as we'd eaten, we wrapped up warmly and walked up the hill behind the village. We had Youngest and his camera and he took photos as we watched fireworks pop and fizz all along the valley bottom. We were bathed in the most glorious pale blue light. I found myself staring at the moon rather than the brashly coloured noisy sparkles behind me. It felt mystical and magical.

Chilled through but feeling amazingly elated, we returned home. Youngest set up the telescope through his window and watched the moon, taking more photos.

I curled up on the settee with my knitting.

The fire is crackling away, the cats have relaxed in the warm room and resemble lumps of molten fur. 
Continuing my Wovember inspired postings - I have just started a knitted bauble as part of the Shetland Wool Week's Chrimbly celebrations. I am knitting a bauble to help decorate their famous Lerwick Chrimbly tree. The organisers are looking for any knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters to take part - if you are interested or even just a little curious have a look at their website HERE.

And I am knitting it fairisle style!! Woo hoo - happy me, little bite sized knitting bits of fairisle yummyness - **happy**happy** :)


  1. What a very lovely magical, and homely evening all in one. It shows that we don't need to stay indoors just because the evenings are now dark. Your youngest's photo is excellent, and I'm looking forward to watching the bauble take shape. I was outside for a while this evening too, looking at the stars. Along with the chilly air and the fireworks around I felt invigorated, and not tired as I usually do after a day at work x

  2. I spent last night gazing at the moon too. Sadly, our cats were rather distressed by the fireworks but they at least seemed to be of mercifully short duration last night. Still nothing on the needles but I did spend hours felting so creative mojo in short supply rather then absent :-)

  3. I was tempted to go out and photograph the moon last night - it was stunning. But a glass of wine, and a warm fire were too tempting!
    I look forward to seeing your completed bauble - it sounds quite fiddly! :) x

  4. So it was not just me who thought it was a big moon! Beloved said it was the same size but I was not convinced. We were driving back home and there was no where safe to stop to take a picture but your picture is fab! Thanks.

  5. I thought the moon looked extra large last night when I was driving home about 6pm. I didn't look again I'm afraid but I did curl up with my crochet, that was nice.

  6. Fabulous moon picture!
    Those knitted baubles are amazing, incredibly complicated looking. I do need to set some time aside in the new year and get to grips with knitting on those torturous looking implements.


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