

Estuary Shawl Ta-Da!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

My laptop is working! (well in a fashion) and I am back and I have missed you so. I really love the blog-community that is out there - and I really really did miss you :) While I was 'away' with my poorly laptop, you still kindly commented and emailed me and kept in touch - thank you I did manage to do a few emails during my lunch hour at work but it was not the same.  

I ordered  a new keyboard and when it arrived in the post I was delighted!  Himself very cleverly changed the board and put my laptop back together - it is still being temperamental but I can use it... might be time to buy a new one (said in a whisper so not to upset my existing laptop  shhhh)

Anyhoo on to happy things!

I have finally finished my estuary shawl and it has been blocked, with the help of Pepper who either lay on my blocking or helped hold it down while I pulled the blocking pins out.

It felt like I had to remove a billion pins before I could pick my shawl up. As I lifted and looked at it I could not speak for amazement and happiness and disbelief that I'd AcTuaLlY made this shawl and that it AcTuaLlY looked like it should!

Himself took photos for me - it was snowy and white outside and a perfect foil for the dark shades of blues -

I love the way the rivulets and the runnels have formed.
You can see why it was named Estuary - happy happy happy me.

Did I mention happy?
Oh - ok, in case you didn't notice...
HaPpY HaPpY Me!


  1. very beautiful! love the pattern and the color is perfect. So sweet of Pepper to help with the blocking lol

  2. Welcome back, good to see you! This shawl is lovely, a gorgeous blue colour and beautifully knitted - well done! One of these days I'll have to try making one :)
    Cathy x

  3. It's very beautiful Kate, well done you xx

  4. No wonder you're happy, it's just gorgeous!

  5. I'm not surprised your happy, it's a beautiful shawl.
    Glad to hear your laptop is working again. It's good to have you back. Hope you have a great weekend. X

  6. It's beautiful, I hope you are happy?
    Joy x x x

  7. And I'm haappyyyy for you for both stuffs : your working laptop and this beautiful and amazing shawl !! I see you use the same way to block as I do (on hte floor on towels and pins ! and the cat on it !!!! :-)))). Your knitting is so perfect ! Have a lovely week end !

  8. oh it's gorgeous! and I'm glad the laptop is feeing mostly better x

  9. Checked last night and you were not back but this morning you are!! Yippee, welcome back. Lovely shawl and another knitted masterpiece from you. I suspect Pepper's help was crucial too.

  10. It's that sense of satisfaction that makes us continue I think. It really is a lovely shawl well done. The colour is glorious. x

  11. That is so pretty and delicate! Your cat doesn't attack it or mangle it to pieces? How well behaved!

  12. The shawl looks even more beautiful outdoors in the bright snow reflected light. Well done. Good news about laptop too. xx

  13. It's so beautiful, and I'm quite envious and can't believe how delicate it looks. You should be so proud of what you've achieved. Take care.

  14. The shawl looks wonderful and I love the colour. My fingers are crossed for your laptop!

  15. Such a beautiful shawl and girl! I know you are HAPPY with your work. Yet another reason to have a cat allow you to live with them. Have a wonderful week ahead! Best, Vicki


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Hawthorn x

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