

Weekend walking

You know that look a dog has when it has its face out of a moving car?

The one where the ears are flapping and the tongue is out and flapping with the ears?

That happy dog face where its eyes are screwed up against the fast moving air and the tail is wagging madly.

Yeah, we've all seen that look.

That was my dear husband on Saturday afternoon. He was that dog.

I on the other hand looked and felt like this.....

Let me start from the beginning.

I was working on saturday and we'd agreed that the boys would meet afterwards and we'd go for a walk up on the hills. 

Only the weather was a little wild. 

Our picnic lunch was consumed within the safety of the car as we watched the trees bending in the wind. Once finished - we piled on the walking gear. Shall I list what I was wearing?

Thermal leggings, thick fleece socks, trousers, long sleeved thermal shirt, short sleeved shirt, thin single layer jersey, thick walking fleece.  On top were my lined waterproof leggings and waterproof jacket.  Knitted scarf (wrapped tightly) polar fleece hood with extra wind resistant face shield and fleece hat. This level of clothing kept the wind out but I could still feel the chill factor and any exposed skin felt really...well... exposed!

Himself was also wrapped up warmly but he seemed to relish the conditions and at one point took off his coat and hat pronouncing himself warm!

The views were good. When I could build up the courage, I took a few photos. The buffeting of the wind made it a little tricky and at one point, when the wind was behind us I was shunted forward suddenly and Eldest had to scruff me to stop me falling over! Oh the indignity....

 The entrance to the tunnels beneath the local manor's garden - so that the privileged few did not have to look on the villagers as they trudged up the hill....
They are HUGE, the dark section is the start of the second tunnel.
 Great contrasts of dark and light, the sun managed to shine between the fast moving clouds
 Eldest striding off into the distance, the light marks in the sky are snow showers
More snow showers on the horizon 

 It was a hard walk, made hard by the weather. In summer, with the skylarks singing and the sun shining, it is a wonderful place to be. Glad I did it (now that I have recovered!)

The problem with working on a saturday - the already brief weekend seems even more abrupt.

Hope you had a good weekend - what did you get up to?

Hope you did something you loved which made you happy :)


  1. Me ........ I stayed home watching the weather out the window and wondering whether you would be out in it!! I should have known better, of course you were!! The tunnels must have given you some welcome shelter from the wind. xx

  2. You did very well to go out in such wild weather - I bet it was invigorating! Your photos are very dramatic and scenic. It's been a weekend of shopping and returning to uni here, although I managed to be creative this afternoon doing some candle-making. Lots of fun, but back to J's blanket now :)
    Cathy x

  3. I did a little walking but in much less wild conditions.........

  4. I met a friend that I haven't seen for about a year, it was wonderful but very little walking involved just a large amount of chatting

  5. You are a very brave "whatever the weather" walking family and you did manage to catch great photos too. Me, I went to see my grand daughter in panto which was fun and managed to get a little knitting done, so had a good weekend!

  6. Your weather pictures are amazing, I love them-worth the exhilarating hike.
    Your cobwebs duly blown away.
    Helen x

  7. We didn't get out for our Sunday morning walk becaue of the weather (although we still went out for a scone, a Sunday tradition). I did huge amounts of sewing and quite a lot of knitting, which made me happy ....... and as usual Malcolm cooked delicious dinners, which made me even happier.
    Thank you for the interesting walk - at least I didn't get cold as I went along with you!

  8. Looks like a fantastic walk even if it was a bit chilly, certainly must have got the blood flowing
    Caz xx

  9. I thought my walk was bad but your walk sounds terrible in such bad conditions, but invigorating.
    Sorry for the giggle with your attire but it sounds a lot like me on a freezing morning. I'm afraid
    fashion goes out of the window Bet you all had a wonderful appetite, and your phoptos are stunning.

    I love getting home after a walk to a hot cuppa and a sit in the chair - utter bliss.



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