

February - almost gone...

I have written (in my head) at least three posts, only when I start typing - the words fail to come to life.

At the moment thoughts do not transfer themselves from my imagination, through my fingers, onto the keyboard and finally on to the screen. Suspect it is coz I am tired, coz my head is so full that it is difficult to separate out stories from guff, coz I seem to have a lot going on and just, well just coz...

Good stuff.
Walking, breathing bracing air, drinking tea on the side of a hill.
Not so good.
Losing a furry walking friend after years of companionship - it has hit me harder than I thought.

Making and baking.
Carrot cake, sticky malt loaf, Swedish sticky cake, creamy salmon curry (can't find the link for it sorry) and Brioche bread and butter pudding, they are my February five new recipes.
 Sticky malt loaf
Brioche bread and butter pud

After a month or two of knitting this.......
I'd completed the back and had almost finished the front when in a moment of realisation of how much I hated what I was creating - I frogged the whole thing in a flash.  It made me feel so much better.  The green has been stashed for another day and the heather wool plus a saved cream wild silk yarn is growing into this....
Mittens, with a nordic star just beginning to appear. I feel soothed as it grows, even when I'd miscalculated and had to frog back several rows - I still feel happy.

For all the wishes and hugs, the comments and thoughts and the friendship over the net. Thank you.

Eldest's 17th birthday (Seventeen...!) Where has the time gone?  We are going to celebrate with a fondue, something I remember from my childhood fondly and with the help of Lovely Lady from Threads Through My Life and my Jak, my Mom, we have three fondue pots to share between nine hungry tummies - think it's going to be a lot of fun!

Hitting a room at a time and completely removing a section, only returning what we want, really really want to stay.  The rest being recycled, rehomed or thrown away.  Today was the turn of the kitchen and it has been stripped of all the things we've collected, not tidied away or just not need and I feel exhausted!! but satisfied :)

My cell phone. Originally thought to be languishing out on the hills since our last walk.

My cell phone. Correctly found languishing in a pocket at home a week later.


How was your February?
What did you get up to?
What did you find after you thought you'd lost it forever?
Are you ready for March?

Go on, spill the beans - what exciting things have you got planned?



  1. February was busy with lots of sewing, especially quilts for the charity Project Linus. Some years ago I thought I had lost an earring which had real sentimnetal value (and a fair bit of monetary value) but it turned up under the bed!
    March has started wet and dreary!!

  2. Eventful time you are having. Sorting is great, I have done my house, room by room, now I am on the second sweep, things I was not sure of and still have not used are going. Sad about your knitting but if you are not enjoying it, then best to start again with something you like. Our February was dry, we had the month off drink, I only have a glass of wine. Today I start the diet.

  3. Fantastic news about finding your cell phone. Oh the tales I could tell of Beloved having lost something vital out in the wilds, only for me to find it at home!

    What did I do in February? Got very stressed as I set about finalising buying a house...

    What do I plan to do in March? Move into said house. Am I ready for March? NO, NO, NO!!!!

    1. Ah ha!an Amaaaazing reveal! Well done :) How scary (read exciting) and how brave of you - well done xxxxxx

  4. Feb was like Jan here, bitty,messy, irritating etc etc!! Did have some good points!
    I could just do with a nice long walk along that path in your first picture. Your knitting is gorgeous. We are having major sort outs too, way too much stuff hanging around.
    Glad cell phone found :) Suzy x

  5. February, I finally finished my Autumn crochet blanket after 5 months. Big, big sigh.
    So pleased your found your cell phone., and your baking is mouthwatering.
    March is beginning of the caravan season when I will be in the Yorkshire Dales, hurrah!!!!

    Take good care of yourself.


  6. February - goodbye. March - hoping it is an easier month and looking forward to moving on.
    I hope your month goes well too. x

  7. February, you could say has been difficult. I'll email about it later to you. Your knitting is just gorgeous, but can see why you didn't like the colours as they did jar a bit together. Hope the birthday do goes well and wish him happy returns from us. Only 17!! My granddaughter is now "18". Take care.

  8. I can't wait for March to get under way. For some unknown reason I felt so down in February, perhaps it was because me and other family members weren't feeling too great. I woke with a much more positive attitude this morning, long may it continue.
    Hopefully your son's birthday will be the trigger that cheers you along, a fondue sounds pretty cool and lots of fun.

  9. They tear our hearts when they go, of course it takes time to heal.

    I must admit I much prefer the new yarn combo.

    Happy Birthday to the 17 year old. One of mine is 27, that's taken some getting used to!

  10. Yes, it was a good decision to frog back that knitting, the mitts look much better. The fondue was wonderful fun. Lots of laughter, mixing up the forks and accusations about stealing one another's meat!! Glad February has gone if only for the fact it is that much nearer to spring. xx

  11. Glad to hear you found your phone. Did a similar thing with my gloves twice in the last few weeks but found them again where I had left them both times. Birthday party looks like it was lots of fun. Worth all the planning. Happy birthday to eldest. xx

  12. just trying your sticky malt loaf recipe.....just out of the oven and looking good!


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Hawthorn x

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