

In which we have a wonderful micro-adventure

It is amazing, this bloggy world we dip our lives and stories in to.  

For example gz from ook?! (rant whilst waiting) explained that the donning of underwear whilst wearing cycling gear is a 'definite no no' as this causes (no wait I shall quote) ....lovely writing...but one comment...underwear under lycra is a definite No No...shorts come with padding and if worn with underwear you risk chafing at least and fungal infections at worst...... He should have done more work on flat land first...but don't you have a shortage of that? ;-) Really? Not that I don't believe you (you have loads of bike-know-how as your blog proves) but it is the thought of not wearing any that made my eyebrows go skyward! Especially after what I saw that day....... it will be for ever and ever and EVER be etched in my brain *shudder*!!!

 gz also mentioned she has just baked the malt loaf from my February round up - nice one - it is a super yummy loaf and while it lasted it stayed deliciously moist and succulent! I think most of my new recipes are ones that come recommended via blogs.
I love the feedback and the comments and the subsequent discussions that fly back and forth. I love the advice and the love, the chat and the stories. I love reading your posts and being inspired, delighted and entertained. I feel the pain when you write in sorrow, I feel the tiredness when you have had enough. 
 Saturday was surprisingly beautiful, despite the skies being very heavy and often threatening we decided to chance it and go out on the hills for a micro-adventure.
I am so very very glad we did.   
 We saw things we'd not seen before. Found hidden waterfalls that tumbled down rock into deep isolated gorges.
 Snow was still present and was an essential part of several snow-ball games. Youngest instigated each and every battle and Himself and Eldest in turn dodged or retaliated as necessary all over the hills.
 I, chose to remove myself from this rather boisterous and potentially icy-cold game and took photos.
 Lots and lots of photos
I'm in this one.
See what I mean? 
 Years ago, (not that if feels that long ago) we all pressed our boots in a snow drift.  In order of size it was Himself, me, then the boys. Now, in order of size are the boys (Youngest first) then Himself and the smallest foot....was me.
 We climbed up higher, the air was cool and crisp and as long as we were out of the nippy breeze, it was beautiful.
Cold, but beautiful.
 Water gate?

 The streams had undercut the snow creating amazing flying cornices.
 We chanced upon an old lime kiln with the vault's beautifully curved arches behind the stoke hole. We hid against the wall, to drop out of the breeze, where we stopped for a mug of tea and chunk of chocolate and took in the view.
In places the snow was knee deep, much to Youngest's delight as he floundered around and rolled about. Where does he get the energy?
 Our final stop before the descent was high above a winding river. Sitting right on the edge of the limestone, we watched the skies and clouds, sipped the remains of our tea then, returned to the winding footpath down to Arncliffe

 As we walked through the village, we spied a gentleman's vintage slate walled convenience behind a pub....  is it still in use??  :) It certainly made me grin.

Monday tomorrow, back to work. Back to reality. 
I shall hold our walk close in my heart to keep me sane through the rest of the week.

How was your weekend?
Did you get out and about and breathe the air?
Did you see something that made you grin?
Did feel the cold air on your face and smile at the sun?
Did you see a fish out of water?
Did you have a micro-adventure? - they are highly recommended!

I love hearing what you get up to xxx


  1. No adventure here but I did get out and sit in the sun this afternoon. It felt so wonderful to be outside with just a sweater, crocheting a bit and then reading. I'm not much of a cold weather person so the sun felt great. Also, gz is correct, you do not wear underwear under bike shorts for the reasons stated. Yes, it can be distressing to those of us who don't ride (I'll never forget the first time Hubs put on bike shorts!!!!) but it is much more comfortable without underwear.

  2. Beautiful. Took C to the coast for a photographic assignment and whilst she snapped I just enjoyed trying to stand up straight in the wind, watching the the sea walls being pounded by high waves and trying to ctach the foam that was being blown up like so much white meringue. Bliss

  3. Stunning photo's, thank you for sharing them. Yes blogland is a lovely place to pop to, fill of nice people, just a break from our busy worlds.

  4. Our weekend was quiet. I just cannot get motivated at the moment, but we have been gardening. It was quite warm all weekend, but today it is raining and forecast most of the week.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  5. We had an afternoon out on the the sun...blogging soon !!....and we'll be trying the malt loaf with our morning coffee!

  6. I really wouldn't want any cyclist to end up with a chaffed bottom but do think they should be a little more wary and check more often that their lycra cycling shorts are in deed at full strength and not wearing a little bit thin!
    Your pictures in this post are absolutely stunning, while you walked in snow, here, down south we had lots of sunshine.

  7. oh what a gorgoues walk, I had a lovely micro adventure near there last September. beautiful. this weekend we had visitors, a freezing walk on the beach, and much feasting and a theatre trip to see teenage boy in his school production - that made me grin for sure x

  8. Thank goodness for your walk; I could not do mine. Love the bubble photo. Micro-adventure? Yes, showing my sister our new soon-to-be-ours house.

  9. I love your photos as the sun was going down. A busy weekend here for me - fresh air taken and lots of smiles! I hope your week goes well. x

  10. Stunning scenery and the lambs are so lovely - apart from the Jacob's lambs we don't have any here yet. I had an adventure of sorts when I did some sewing with woolllen fabrics instead of my usual cotton!

  11. Once again, beautiful photographs. Thank you for sharing your micro adventure with us. We were lucky enough to have all our family round for afternoon tea on Sunday. Wonderful. xx

  12. Beautiful post ! well, this week end I prepared some row fleeces .... I don't tell you more for now .... Have a lovely week now ...

  13. Thanks for the lovely photos and as I've said before, it makes me long to come back. I also loved what you said about blogging and feel that my followers are also there to make me laugh, cry etc. (like the underwear story). I'm going to try and get some sewing done in the next week or two, as I've something important that really needs posting soon. Have a great week and take care.

  14. Great pics, thanks for sharing! My favorite is the first one with the sweet lambs. Up to now my weekend wasn't really cozy, too busy with this and that. But now the work is done and I'm enjoying a little blogland tour. With knitted socks on the feet, it's still cold! Have a great weekend. Nata xxx

  15. Gorgeous images of stunning country ... you live in such a beautiful area.


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