

Quietly comes the sun

Up here in the north, spring time sunshine comes in on quiet feet. 
Gently warming the air until the evening, when, despite the beautiful sunset, 
there is a sharp nip in the air.
 Himself and I went down to the end of the garden to put the hens to bed. 
I lingered back, looking at the still sleeping flowerbeds. 
To my delight I found that several blooms had appeared since the weekend. 
Now, as the evening draws in, the fire has been lit and behind me
a small jug of spring.

Thank you for your lovely comments, I am always very touched and my heart goes squeeeeee when I receive them.  I still wonder why some one reads my wafflings and chooses to linger then join and keep visiting - thank you :)


  1. So much change in the garden at moment, I love it. :) x

  2. What lovely primroses and to think our gardens here are getting ready to sleep. Take care.

  3. Enjoy the changes in the nature with spring ... that's wonderful to see and feel these new lives everywhere waking up from winter ....

  4. Gorgeous spring flowers
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  5. I think we appreciate the warmth in the north so much as it takes so long to come, yesterday when Londoners were basking in the heat it took quite a long time here until I was warm enough from digging to take my coat off....

  6. I love the Spring best of all the seasons, new life, beautiful bright green leaves appearing on the trees it fills me with happiness.

  7. Lovely posy! Yes flowers are starting to pop up everywhere now; not huge drifts but enough to catch the eye. Saw some wild cowslips recently whilst driving about; made me smile. Keep your wafflings coming!

  8. I love the spring, everything is waking up and new shoots are appearing all of the time. Yours flowers are lovely!

  9. Your little spring posy is beautiful - I especially like the white pulmonaria. Spring has arrived in a whirl down here and in this hot weather things are moving on apace, almost too fast. It's nice to have the time to really appreciate things as they bloom :)
    Cathy x

  10. Love your spring flowers. So cheerful - they look particularly pretty in that jug. xx


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Hawthorn x

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