

Into the blue

At the end of the summer last year,
after the holidays
I wanted to capture the essence of
those warm sunny days...
I started a coastal coloured crochet cushion,
taking it out on our autumnal walks 
so I could crochet the rows.
For a while, once it was finished,
the cushion sat pride of place on the settee.
over the course of the winter months,
when I yearned for brighter skies.
Blue seas.
Warm salty air.
 I started another cushion,
also in shades of blues and sea,
sky and sand.
Then there was another,
all reminding me of summer holidays. 
Suddenly, I had four cushions.
All related, all different,
all falling off the hook
during a driech winter... 
Now that spring has landed,
the sun has finally found it's strength and
begun to warm the air,
reminding me that summer is just around the corner...
Friday morning. 
A good time to take photos.
Great light.
Almost that same clear blue light
that I associate with being on the coast.

You bet I am :)


  1. Ooh, lovely. I wish I could crochet so neatly, as I sometimes have too tight a tension. They really look summery all lined up along the blue bench and sitting reading a book or just relaxing would be so comfy. Ah, blue skies would be a change for us, as it's been so dreary here for a week now, with even snow forcast down to low levels on Wednesday. Take care.

  2. Just beautiful, I love the pattrns and diffrent shades of blue.
    Roll on Summer.


  3. What a lovely collection of blue themed cushions. Yes, summer is on its way (I am trying to be optimistic as I write this because it is damp and dismal out there!).

  4. These are really lovely Kate. In your last photo my favourite is the one on the far left xx

  5. I really like your cushion collection! Blue is my favourite colour. :-)

  6. Loving your cushions - all so different, but at the same time look like a set. :) I might steal your idea of the chevron on. x

  7. These are beautiful, a very summery and fresh set of cushions, perfect for a coastal picnic perhaps?
    I've nominated you for the Two Good Reads tag which you can read about on my blog - hope that's ok with you. :)
    Cathy x

  8. You must be pleased with the finished result. It was clever making them all different but matching and toning. . xx

  9. Oh, fantastic! Beautiful pics, I like this old chair amidst plants, and the cushions are great! Normally I'm no "blue type", but I like this costal color combination and you're different cushions are really pretty :-). Have a good day! Nata xxx

  10. I feel like I just want to cosy up on that bench with a good book ... your cushions look comfy as well as cheery :)

  11. What beautiful cushions. Great way of photographing them. I could imagine another set in another colour palette.


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