

This and that and a little of the other.

I know I've been a little quiet on the blogging front - but it is about the only place where my life has been quiet recently.
Work has suddenly blown itself out like a thunderous summer storm and is temporarily sitting quietly waiting for the next front to fly in. We're all at sixes and sevens in an odd mixture of relief at the respite and the urgent need to use this window of calm to catch up with mounds of paperwork whilst squeezing in new projects and ideas.

No wonder when, by the time I get home, I flump on the settee and attempt to knit a row or two, sip lemon tea and fight to keep my eyelids open!

Bring on the weekend I say!

Although  a little cool today, we've had some cracking spring weather and as I sit here wrapped up wondering whether to light the fire, just looking at the pictures reminds me that there has actually been the most delicious spring days filled with sunshine.
One of my lunchtime walks happily provided me with both the above and below photos. 
The ewe and her lambs resting in the shade and a Mistle thrush fledgling pretending not to be real. 
I love it's whispery 'eyebrows' of left over fledgling fluff.
We had a small friend over for a week while his mum and dad were on holiday.
Youngest was besotted and they instantly became best friends.
We soon discovered that he liked to nap on the settee after a walk.....
Himself, completely out of character, 
allowed this small indiscretion 
and went around with a smile on his face every time he looked at the sleeping pup.
When he went back after his week with us - he was sorely missed.
We've done some decent walks recently. 
Almost with obsessive fervour, 
we've headed up onto the hills, 
using the wild air as antidote to normality. 

This discombobulated post has been a bit of an indulgence for me. There are quite a few stories twirling around in my head, I will share, they just need to get themselves sorted :) Speak soon x

Here's to Friday xxxxx


  1. Lovely photographs. I'm sure you are missing your little guest. He seemed to love being with you too. Enjoy your weekend. xx

  2. Love the mistle thrush.
    A little border terrier? A friend has one. - a gorgeous character! :) x

  3. My friend also had a Border Terrier. Fancy him being allowed so sleep on the sofa! Funny how cats and dogs work their way in and secure the best seats/sleeping places. Hope you have a good weekend too and I look forward to more gorgeous photos.

  4. I love to see a thrush, very uncommon where we are these days. Such a shame!
    I too am full of busyness at the moment, rushing here, rushing there, so looking forward to the long weekend. I hope you enjoy yours as well.

  5. looks like a lovely walk, that thrush is a beauty x

  6. Your mistlethrush photo is delightful, as is your little visitor. I had a border terrier as a teenager when there weren't so many of them around. He was a sweet little dog, a real character. I hope you find time to relax this weekend and enjoy the beautiful countryside :)
    Cathy x

  7. oh oh, I can see a small doggy space waiting to be filled.


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Hawthorn x

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