

Saturday is alright for walking!

Saturday started grey and wet with heavy clouds and sullen skies. 
I'd set off early to work leaving the boys asleep and Himself nursing a coffee. 
I must admit to feeling a little 'put out' as I'd somehow missed that I was working and only by a niggling need to find out who was on duty, discovered that it was me! 
All week I'd harboured a plan of spending the day on the hills - in glorious sunshine with my boys. Only to be informed by first - one son that he was off with the girlfriend, 
then the other, 
that he was off with the friends from school....
then realise I was at work......
and to cap it off - it was now raining.  
As I said, I felt a little put out.
Himself said, as I left home, 'text me later, if the weather is better I'll meet you for lunch' 
Looking at the sky I really doubted that offer.
As the day went on, the clouds loitered and menaced 
with only the rarest of glimpses of sky.
Gradually it became sultry and steamy
then humid and hot.
I texted Himself 'Cloudy but warm'
His reply - 'I'm on my way'
He arrived with Youngest, who's plans had fizzled, a picnic lunch, our 2CV called Gertie
 and as soon as I could, 
we escaped for a picnic up on the moorlands surrounded by grasses and wild flowers.
And blue sky!
Lunch eaten, we walked up through the fields where we were spotted by a Saler cow (pronounced Sa'lair),
who peered at us with a furrowed brow and quizzical look.
She slowly podded towards us,
keeping a keen eye on our every move.
 She was warily curious and certainly wanted to see what we were up to.
We said our goodbyes and continued up further into the dales, 
away from the manicured fields and into the kingdom of the thistle!

Rushes and foxgloves competed with moorland grasses for space 
giving thin grazing for the Belties
I was glad they were at the far side of the field. 
As 'cute and fluffy' as they look in their black and white coats - 
I have a healthy wary regard for their tempers.

 As we crested a hill, Youngest set off, running through a meadow across into the view. 
The combination of the big sky, the warm breeze, the skylarks singing 
as well as the humid sultry scented air 
made for a heady mix and I had to stop and just 'eat the view', 
soaking it all in. 
I could feel all my stresses 
seemingly lift 
making me feel quite light headed.

Himself - ever practical suggested the light headedness 
was more to do with the need for a mug of tea and a biscuit next to a river 
than the effect of my surroundings on my senses!

Watching a mother mallard with her ducklings 
as we drank tea and ate cherries
made us smile.
As did a ridiculous lamb who'd got itself on to a stone wall
and bleated continuously to his ignoring mother.
Who, when she walked off grazing, jumped off the wall
and trotted meekly after her.

Then a brief moment of magic. 

 As the sun began to lower, we started off the moors.
Back on to the managed lands, leaving the wildness.
At our final stop, we lingered, finishing off the remains of our picnic.
Overhead a kestrel screamed as it hunted.
 It was a shame to end our day. 

What did you get up to over the weekend?
Did you have an unexpectedly successful micro-adventure?
Did your day turn out much better than hoped?
Did you have a light headed nature inspired moment? (that had nothing to do with needing a mug of tea!)

This walk gave me so many precious moments that I think it might be a treasured one, hard to beat for quite some time :) So glad you came along xxx


  1. Saturday was a day of card making with friends for me, and gardening on Sunday.
    Fantastic photos and it looks like it was a wonderful walk. x

  2. how wonderful to be rescued from work with a restorative picnic and a soul filling adventure. we were slaves to domestic duties, shopping and housework, need to amend our attitude towards weekends x

  3. I've been trying to photograph a hare but with no luck so far. I see him on the way to and from my Monday morning school, always in the corner field fairly near to the road. Now I'm on holiday I hope to have the time to get a decent photo of him.

    I love the last photo in your post, both the view and the quality of light you've captured.

    How did you get the trailing mouse on your blog, please?

  4. A great walk! One of the wonders of a walk is you never know what you will see; sometimes not much and other times loads! You certainly had loads of good views. Thanks for taking me with you and I enjoyed a brew too!

  5. Thanks I really enjoyed this :-)

  6. Such wonderful and spectactular sights you saw on your 'unexpected' walk. Great shot of the hare and kestrel, well captured.

  7. Thanks for the lovley walk, I really look forward to where you end up at times. The kestrel reminded me that hubby and I saw from our driveway on Thursday, 2 wedge-tailed eagles flying just above us and being chased by about a dozen crows. It really made my morning as I was on my way to hospital for a small procedure. Amazing the things that remain with us. I also love hares and we do see them sometimes. Hope the week is going well and take care.

  8. I am so envious of your walk as it sounds just perfect, all that amazing countryside and Nature
    at her best. Your photos are amazing especially the thistles and the beautiful Yorkshire scenery.


  9. What a lovely walk, and I'm sure it was made even more special by the fact it came as somewhat of a surprise! Your photos were wonderful to see. Thanks for sharing them!

  10. Another lovely walk. Your photo of the kestrel is brilliant as is the one of the leaping hare.

  11. This looks like a lovely unexpected get-away - they're often the best, I think. I love your leaping hare, blue butterflies and thistles :)
    Cathy x

  12. So glad the weather cleared so you could blow away the work cobwebs and enjoy a wonderful walk. xx


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