

The Fairy Bridge

At the bottom of the Waternish peninsula where the coastal road splits dwells a small stone bridge - almost unnoticed by the passing traffic.  The Fairy Bridge.
We almost didn't stop. 
There already was a minibus full of bored looking tourists standing about looking - well - looking bored. However, Himself needed to look at the map so he pulled over and while he studied it, the rest of us decided to look around.  The bored tourists filed back into the bus and trundled off to their next boring stop.  

Then, once they'd gone, the magic quietly started.  
The bird song and the wind in the grass were a gentle background. 
I returned to the car to collect my camera.
The teenagers quietly slipped through the heathers and ferns then on the bridge edge. 
Each seemingly in a world of their own.
Alongside the babbling burn, protected by the narrow gorge, the wild flowers flourished . 
The water itself was stained a dark tea colour, 
tinted by bracken and peat. 
It looked almost syrupy as it flowed over the rocks.

 I loved the framed view the arch of the little bridge created.

While we were there, several cars drove down, their occupants wound down their windows, stared nonplussed at the seemingly 'boring' stone bridge and then left - their lives not enriched by the magic of the simplicity, the magic of the natural and restrained yet wild beauty.

And to think we nearly did the same...

I hope you are not tired of my posts of Skye - I hesitate continuing for fear of boring you!
I just want to share with you a most magical and wild place
that seems to have wound itself in to me.


  1. No NO! Never tired of your photos of ANYTHING! As you were speaking of the little bridge and showing the pictures, I was thinking how precious of someones heart to think a little creek would want a pretty arch over it! Who was that I wondered and how much care they took in doing so........only to have someone like you stop...breathe...listen and truly admire such a sweet feat of stonebuilding. I always stoppped at as many bridges as I could in Ireland to admire the work and the views through the arch. Thankyou bridge builders.xo

  2. Please don't stop posting about your Skye holiday. Like the lovely bridge, your posts are magical. I know, even if I were to get to Skye, I could not do the walking so it is great you share your holiday so I can enjoy it all and not worry about the walking bit! Funny (well not really) how a lot of people can see no beauty in nature unless it is dramatic, spectacular etc. They ought to admire the simple flowers and bird song.

  3. Not bored at all. I visited Skye when I was 14 and would love to go back one day. I'm very much enjoying your posts!
    Cathy x

  4. How can anyone be bored by the beauty of Nature.
    Please, please do not stop posting photos of you holidays, they are breathtaking.
    I often think of all the drystone walls we have, someone, sometime built them and they
    are still standing. Thank you to all the Builders for your amazing work.


  5. An enchanting little place. One mans treasure is anther mans trash they say.... shame the others didn't appreciate the beautiful place.
    I'm loving seeing and hearing about the beautiful things you have seen, thanks for sharing. x

  6. No, not boring at all. I'm loving your adventures and photos, so keep them coming. That bridge is certainly lovely and is up there with a few others I've seen and taken photos of. Thanks. Take care.

  7. If only those bored tourists could have seen it through your eyes. Magical!

  8. what a truly magical place xxxx

  9. No, never bored, only grateful to be able to share your holidays. Thank you. Grateful too that you stop and see things that most tourists just pass by. xx


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