

Autumnal musings

I am sitting alone (with you) while the rest watch 'Gravity' the film.

It seems to have been a long week since I last posted.

I was alerted to the fact that sometimes an unsolicited advert would pop up on my blog. I have been doing a little research along with a good bloggy friend and we have discovered that the common denominator seems that the un-invited adverts and pop-ups occur on hand-held devices rather than laptops or tabletop computers. What I could not find (yet) is why or how to stop it - if anyone out there knows the secret - please do tell!!

I have still many stories about Skye to share as well as some of Galloway (two of my favourite places) but life seems to have got in the way recently.

Has anyone else noticed the change in the seasons?
The change in the colours of the hills and the trees?
Does anyone else feel that tinge of sadness at the ending of the summer?
That hollow quietness?

I try very hard each year to see the positivity in autumn and the beauty in winter and although my three boys love this time of the year and actively wish winter's arrival, I drag my feet and dream of the summer to come and dwell on the summer past.

However, there are some moments of pure delight that help me.
Like being able to pick an unexpected riotously sweetly scented fistful of flowers.
Which fill the room with a delicate reminder of summer. 

The return of our autumnal knitterly gathering. 

 Finding a kitten 
(well.... an oversized lump of a cat who still thinks she is a kitten) 
curled up 'lightly pressing' my knitting.

Finding pleasure in an improved skill - baking with yeast.
Cinnamon and sultana rolls and chocolate chip rolls, both with lemon zest drizzle icing - they didn't last long :) 

Oh well, autumn. 
A season for study and impending exams.
A Levels and GCSEs on the horizon.
Thank goodness for walking and knitting!


  1. Lovely moments! I hope that you enjoy the knitting and looking at your pretty flowers! xx

  2. I can only make it through autumn and winter by almost chanting Each Day Is A Day Nearer Spring. But it means the garden grows less and there is time to mull over what to do in it next. Also to plan other delights in our busy lives. Time to reflect too. It has been a poor summer overall but there have been highlights too. Roll on the shortest day when I can really rejoice and kid myself the day light is increasing each day!

  3. A lovely post. For me, autumn begins after this weekend as we held our horticultural and craft show yesterday in the local community centre.

  4. I can almost smell the roses and sweet peas and as for your baking..................mmmm Although I enjoy the autumnal colours everywhere I also look forward to spring.


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Hawthorn x

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