

Cave dwelling mountain fish

Saturday was Himself's birthday.
His birthday request? - Spend a day in the lakes, walking.
So - that is what we did :)
Quiet contemplation.
Narrow stepping stones.
I loved the way the water slid around the stones,
leaving ripples and leaves on the 'prow' of each step.

Along our walk we found a penny tree - filled with coins hammered in to 'pay for safe passage'.
An ancient superstition - to leave a gift the woodland or water spirits allowing safe passage for wayfarers.
Still being done to this day.
Along the way we found caves, deep and dark and beckoning and interesting.
And a cave, halfway up a mountain with fish swimming in the water.
A huge cavernous space beneath a cathedral like roof of twisted rock.
A strangely magical place, strangely otherworldly.

Yes, I did say fish - small minnows zipping about in the water.
How did they get there?
Not sure, 
but - as you can see if you stare - small fish shoaling.
With a wonderful view.

And, on the journey up, I cast on.
Along the way we discovered a way of linking fence to wall,
one we've never seen before.

Youngest did an 'Andy Goldsworthy' art - 
carefully lining up a row of crisply curled beech leaves on the mossy wall.

Happy birthday my love - thank you for sharing your day with us xxxxx


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your hubby and hope he and the rest of the family had a lovely day. By the looks of it you did. Where abouts in the Lake District were you? Thanks for the photos of somewhere I love and take care.

  2. Belatedly, Happy Birthday to Himself :-) I recognise lots of those pictures, you really weren't very far from Bag End. Glad you had such a lovely day.

    (PS: hello Susan, small world, ha ha ha)

  3. Belated happy birthday to your husband. Looks like a grand day out.

  4. I too have never seen fence posts held to a wall like the one you found; very interesting. Am also intrigued as to what you have cast on! I like Andy Goldsworthy's work and liked Youngest's artwork. Great post, great photos and tell Himself to have more than one birthday a year so that we get to read all about it and enjoy fab photos!

  5. Stunning photo's loved the wooden fence post link, very clever.

  6. What a fantastic way to spend your birthday! Happy Birthday to your husband!!! That fence fixing is amazing isn't it, so clever! xx

  7. What a lovely way to spend a birthday, and in a beautiful place too. I like the stepping stones and youngest's natural art. Such gorgeous autumnal colours.
    Cathy x

  8. Happy Birthday Himself. lovely walk, wish I was there :-)

  9. Great pictures! We noticed that exact same stretch of fencing when we were there recently. Just how ancient is that thing with the coins though? I'd never seen it until this September.

  10. Catching up with blogs. Lovely photographs, such gorgeous autumn colours and those fence post fixing stones are brilliant. Just scrolled up again and decided I love all the pictures and can't choose a favourite. xx

  11. What a lovely way to spend a birthday :o)


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