

Things as they stand

I feel to have dropped off the blogging radar recently. Sorry. Hopefully have my blogging mojo back.
Those who know me, know I recently have been through a rubbish time. It has taken a bit sorting out in my head and I've made some changes. On the positive side I have rediscovered my love of crafting and have picked up both the crochet hook and knitting pins again, fallen back in love with gardening and have started volunteering in a walled garden, all this plus the incredible support of my family and friends - I am starting to feel whole again. Thank you x

With my new found crafting drive and a birthday gift to make, I roped Himself in and asked him to cut four slate mug mats (bless him - he does put up with a lot!)
 He not only cut them (with the noisiest stone cutter imaginable) but he rounded off the corners and bevelled the edges too!
A morning mug of tea with a friend and her visiting pheasant family supplied the inspiration...
Sitting at my table, listening to music,
I found time soon flew by 
... and by the end of the afternoon, 
I had four little slate mug mats,
ready for a special friend's birthday :)

Oh yes, the little 'anti-scratch-feet', they just had to be heart shaped :)

Was she happy?
Oh, I think so:)

Happy Birthday WildaboutWorld!


  1. {{huggles}} from me, sloppy kisses from Daisy :)

    Everything else can be said when we take the Girls out :), xx

  2. I do hope your rubbish time passes soon. The mug mats are beautiful, I'm not surprised your friend loves them. Please send some of your crafting mojo way as mine has disappeared. X

  3. Great mats! Glad you are beginning to feel better and that you can crochet. knit, craft, garden etc. It was time for a change.

  4. Those mats look absolutely fab.mhope your bad times pass quickly. x

  5. sorry about the rubbish time xxx the mag mats are fantastic xxx

  6. They look fab and having seen the first ones, I realise just how clever you are. Hope you are feeling more yourself and are enjoying the walled garden work. Take care.

  7. Sorry to hear you've been having a bad time of it lately. I really hope it passes quickly. Your crafting mojo definitely seems to have returned, the slate mats are beautiful.
    My Dad feels the same way about the summer and it's farewell - he also was born and raised in Southern Africa (Zimbabwe) as I'm sure I've already told you. He really misses the bush out there sometimes.
    I wonder if you still have your accent?

  8. Wonderful and very special gift for your friend.
    Wishing you lots of happy and relaxing craftng to occupy your mind and leave your troubles behind for a while.
    Blessings to you X

  9. Love the coasters - hard to tell which are the painted feathers and which are real. Beautiful. xx


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Hawthorn x

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