Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


While I wait ...

Sitting at my desk, half listening to some ditsy guest on the radio effusively gushing about something or other, it is dark and overcast this morning.

Not good light to paint.

We've been spoilt recently with autumn's most delicious clear light so today's insipid grey glow isn't that inspiring. (insert image of fed-up-face - any one's will do then you will see what mood I am channelling!)  So, rather than get frustrated I shall get on with photographing and blogging December's tutorials.

I have been asked a few questions about them already so I shall try and answer them here :

Are you still doing the Christmas/Advent counting down?

Yes, I every year I post a photograph with a number and a story and more recently I have linked up with Julie's Scrapbook through out the month of December. This year I shall still be doing my countdown but with added daily festive tutorials right up to chrimbly eve! (What was I thinking?? - no - it will be fun :))

Will I be able to do these tutorials? Will they be too difficult?

I have tried to ensure each one can be done in an hour, two hours, afternoon and in one extreme case - in a day. I have tried to ensure that most of the crafts can be made from things you will already have at home. I love the idea of recycling or reclaiming items and reusing them.  My chrimbly crafting plan is to provide a quick gift suggestion,  last minute decoration or fun afternoon of playing. (some items do require 'drying time' but I do include that in the instructions).

Can children do them?

Some will need some form of adult supervision  or intervention, only you know their ability, however a lot of them are definitely child friendly. December is a time for snipping and glue and sticky fingers and glitter and baking :)

What do you have planned?

Quick gifts
Decorations - for the tree, for the table, for the house and outside
Festive containers - for gifts, as wrapping

How will the tutorials be given?

I will list what you need, give hints and tips and suggest optional extras. Photographs of the steps and the finished item and where I can, I will include links for templates and further suggestions.

I hope this gives you some idea of what to expect and really hope that you join in. Some of the makes you will have made yourself over the years and others will be hopefully new and inspiring!  As we go along, I would love love love to see what you do, so do share and link so we can all see and join in :)

Right, the light is not looking any better -
so painting will have to wait,
crafting here I come!!

#crafts  #christmascrafts  #handmadewithlove #handicraft #inspiredby #imadethis #livelovecraftme #hawthorn


  1. Even if I do not join in I am really looking forward to seeing what crafty inspiration you will be sharing next moth :)

  2. We have been spoiled to with the most gorgeous weather this Fall. Yesterday afternoon we spent quite a bit of time at a beach. In November! I understand we are to have another week of this lovely weather and then we are in for a change. Looking forward to your future posts!

  3. That ram painting is beautiful! I look forward to checking in to see how many more things I can add to my 'want to do' list!!

  4. I love, love, love the sheep coaster

  5. I know that I asked those questions too & will definitely join in. Wish I had grandkids closer (or maybe you!). Those coasters are stunning & I've always wanted to paint, but I'm absolutely hopeless. Look forward to December. Keep warm & take care.

  6. Love the slate paintings especially the ram. Looking forward to seeing what crafty Christmas things you have in store for us. xx

  7. Gosh how busy you must be and will be! Like several other people, the ram's head coaster is stunning. I place myself in the 'can't paint' category but am willing to admire other people's handiwork.


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Hawthorn x

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