

That lovely Friday feeling :)

A little Friday love and gratitude
Flowers and hearts on Tuesday,
making my own heart go skippity skip.
And the sweetest handmade
No - thank you!

There has been a lovely buzz of interest regarding the Photo-hunt challenge with new folk querying the 'hows and whens', so I thought I would do a gentle recap.

Inspired by the list of words given (think outside of the box) take a photo or check through your archives and write a few words about that picture.  

For example if the word is 'spring' you could use a photo of lambs and daffodils or you could do a medieval well where the water is supplied by a spring or it could be a rusty curl of metal or even a cat leaping - see what I mean? There are not strict rules, just inspiration.

Then, on a Friday, towards the end of each month (I always post the date), we post all ten pictures and stories. 
I post a 'link up' tool where you add your name and link to your blog and all I ask is please can you put a link on your post back to me. That way anyone wanting to read our posts can find the central linkup tool.
If you have never added a link on your blog and you use the blogger platform it is really easy. Type the sentence with the name of your link included ... ie....  

I have joined in with March's Photo-hunt challenge with hawthorn, 
why don't you follow this LINK and see everyone else's pictures.

I will select the word LINK to add my link to, right click and drag to highlight the word  ... like this ...

I have joined in with March's Photo-hunt challenge with hawthorn, 
why don't you follow this LINK and see everyone else's pictures.

Then, at the top of the post on your toolbar you will see the work -  Link , click on that.
This little menu will pop up, now, in the top bar is says 'Text to display', and the word LINK will be already there for you.

The next step - go to the page you are wanting folk to visit, copy the address in the top bar.
Return to your draft post and in the Link menu paste the address in the second bar down (Web address).

I always tick the option to allow the link to open in a new window (see the picture above) and if you are worried that you may not have completed the link up correctly, just tap on 'Test this link' situated below the web address bar.

Then, if all happy, press ok and you have just added a link to your post to an outside website all by yourself! How chuffed do you feel now!?

Happy FRIDAto you all

*Thank you my dear dear other half, those flowers are absolutely gorgeous xxxx
** Thank you dear lovely lady - my little crochet heart is sitting on my desk xx
*** Thank you Milly Moo and lots of unicorns right back at you xx


  1. Thank you ! Hope I can do it. x

  2. Gorgeous flowers and beautiful heart. Xx
    Hope many new bloggers join in -the more the merrier xx

  3. Beautiful roses. As you know I enjoy & have just picked up next month's photo list & realised it's not the one I thought it might be. (giggle). Everything OK & will email soon. Hope the weekend is going well & take care.

  4. Just found you blog! Lovely pictures too...
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Can I just say a massive thank you to add to the swirl of gratitude and loveliness?! I know I'm not the most active 'interacter' (or even active at all, most of the time!) but I read your posts each time and they brighten up my day immensely. I'm sure there are many silent others as well to whom you bring a ray of sunshine and love, so thank you! Right, off to have a go at your lemon drizzle cake for ex-F-in-L's b'day visit tomorrow:) xxx

  6. No matter where I look these days I see hearts! I've started a heart collection for 2018 and also a vague start on the March words....


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Hawthorn x

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