

Good bye March - Hello April!

Friday, 31st March dawned a little grey but by the time I roused Eldest from his slumbers and drunk my coffee, the sun was out and the day had turned from a pale silver to a wonderful blue. I lingered outside, nursing a fresh mug, quietly wandering through the garden taking pictures of anything that was in flower.
Snakeshead fritillary, hyacinth (last year's indoor festive bulbs) 
Ornamental Comfrey, Drumstick primula.

 I was pleasantly surprised at how many shoots and flowers were out and about. It really gladdened my sunshine-deficient soul!
Hosta shoots, primula, Snakeshead fritillary, daffodils.

Eldest and I lingered in the larger potage when I noticed an unwelcome visitor. A rather fat yet obviously hungry wood pigeon. It seemed to me it was doing a preliminary exploration of a future dinner date with my seedlings! We very quickly stretched out two lengths of netting to keep off our greedy feathered friend.

I just love that earthy damp smell the greenhouse exudes once it has been watered. 

Red sunflower, rhubarb, lettuce seedling forest,
Swiss chard, Spinach, Rye grass (cat grass)

The more sharp eyed of you will notice a rather densely packed cluster of seedlings ... I had carefully dropped two lettuce seeds into each module, covered them over and watered them. As I lifted the tray up two small but significant events occurred. One of the modules, which must have already a split in it, collapsed losing the soil to the floor.  I tried to grab the spoils only to knock the rest of the seeds into the seed tray. Sigh. Ten days later - a small forest of lettuce appeared.

So, today I carefully lifted the clump of lettuce seedlings, soaked them in water until all the potting soil had washed off the tiny tiny roots, split the seedlings a carefully as I could and planted as many as possible. We'll see how many survive.

Ah, Pepper - she's found the rye grass, there's not much left....

Any hoo - that is March done and dusted,
bring on APRIL!

This month's Scavenger Hunt words can be found up on the right hand side of my blog.

  1. New
  2. Rust
  3. Box
  4. Ingredients
  5. Begins with ... D
  6. Mechanical
  7. Something seasonal
  8. Recently finished 
  9. Begins with ... R
  10. My own choice

Please don't be intimidated by this list - it is not as scary as first impressions,
just enjoy the hunt and remember it does not matter what YOUR interpretations are. 
This is the best part - reading your words and seeing your photos, 
enjoying the stories you weave and the images you share.
You ALL have such a wealth of words and ideas.

I will post a reminder in a week or so - any queries, just get in contact :)

Remember to think laterally, interpret as YOU fancy,
be it a current photo or a favourite one from your past. 
We'll reconvene and post our words and photos on Friday 28th April.


  1. Lovely pictures - full of inspiration! Have a happy springtime...

  2. Thanks for the wander around the garden. Love your bulb photos. I can just imagine the smells in the greenhouse. My great aunt had a fernery type greenhouse and I always loved it. Hmm, another list already. Feels like we just got the last one sorted. BTW, did you get that list from my grand-daughter? Hope the weekend is going well & take care.

  3. The gardens are starting to look lush and green again with new growth sprouting everywhere. And the earth smells sooo good. The colours in your garden are beautiful. I hope you enjoy eating lettuce. X

  4. Spring is certainly springing. We have sunshine at the moment, not sure how long for.........

    Julie xxxxxxx

  5. As we slip into Autumn here...

  6. I waited till after 12 noon on 1 April to check this list was not an April's Fool joke... another one for me to get my brain cell to work on. Your garden etc is looking lovely. Now we just need the weather!

  7. So much lovely colour spouting in your garden xx

  8. Your garden is full of lovely flowers! And the smell of wet greenhouse is one of my favourite smells too!

  9. What gorgeous spring photos! I am just planting my bulbs, as autumn has definitely arrived now.


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Hawthorn x

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