

Unleash your inner artist #30DaysWild 15

As part of the #30DayWild hosted by The Wildlife Trusts UK, a rather wonderful list of suggestions has been supplied to encourage what they call ... '#A Random Act of Wildness'. Some of my blog posts I have had in mind for months and months and others have been inspired by that list.

Today's offering is from their list .... 'Unleash your inner artist' ... a bit of a cheat for me as I unleashed said inner artist about 8 months ago when I swapped my 'day job' with all the incumbent stresses, work pressures, less than ideal colleagues for wielding a paint brush, water colours and acrylics.
Without even a promise of fame or fortune - more a leap of faith into the dark. 
And although I will never be 'rolling in the dough' I am far happier, 
more healthy and I get to 'play' with paint.
 Now that can't be bad!

#30DaysWild - you can do it too 


  1. You are such a talented lady, love your artwork.

  2. Just shows what can happen when you unleash !!!! Brilliant.

  3. If you are happier, (and I can see you are) then that is what matters. Paintings are beautiful as usual. xx

  4. Oh Hawthorne, that hedgehog made me smile. Such adorable creatures. Your talent is amazing and I'm glad you are happier. That's really what's important in life.

  5. Yes, such talent & if that is where your heart lies, grab it & take it far. Ooh, maybe silos next!! (giggle) Take care.

  6. Beautiful...will you e printing anyYule suitable cards? x


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Hawthorn x

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