

September's Scavenger Hunt Photos !

End of September already! Wow, where is this year going? Any hoo - welcome to my offerings for September's Scavenger Photo Hunt, enjoy :)

My first choice for this was an image I'd taken several years ago.
Small boys and I went for a walk in a woodland near Pendle Hill dotted with art installations.
Including this one, a cattle feed rail, turned on its side, 
filled with logs and a tree root, 
closing a hole in the wall.
However, when looking for something else,
I came across this one....
Seemed silly not to include it :)

Not one of our cats,
but one we spotted on a walk.
It was taken in autumnal light and the combination 
of the red fur, golden millstone grit roof slates
and the afternoon light - everything glowed with beautifully coppery hue.

I have a problem.
A serious problem.
I can never (and I mean NEVER
complete a pair of mitts or gloves or socks.
I do the first, then ...bleaugh.... the thought of the second just leaves me dry.
My sister in law has combatted this serious problem,
by knitting the second one first!
I have never mastered this art of self deception
 so I have stepped away from knitting things that require a pair.
Life is too short to become stressed over the second one :)

.....Of a birthday Dundee cake.
Sometimes, I stump myself with the choice of words.
This was one such time,
...what on earth could I use for 'Quarter'...
Then, after Himself and the boys got stuck into
the remains of Dundee birthday cake,
I had to wade in and stop them eating the last quarter
so I could take my picture.

It starts with a C ...
Compass - beautifully made as a mosaic collage,
featuring local flora and fauna.

The froth and foam on Hosta beach North Uist. 
Our last night there after a most magical holiday.


I had in mind, not this one, but another scarf, but when I saw Pan,
wearing her little blue scarf - I stopped looking for mine.
I would not be able to look as purrfect perfect,
and whiskery beautiful
as dear prickly, grumpy sweet Pan.

Taken only last week,
when I met Youngest at our local nature reserve.
The council must have decided that this cut would be the last of the season,
and have scalped all the grassy areas to the ground!
Youngest and Moss decided to race along the 'tracks'
back to the car.


Photo taken in 2011. My small people were 10 and 12 there.
Now 17 and 19.
They have grown some what.
But they are still my boys.

My Own Choice

On Sunday, whilst outside gardening, we were watching butterflies, hoverflies and bumblebees. 
Eldest discovered a rather exhausted bumble crawling along the path. 
He shot off to the kitchen and made a honey and water solution and returned to the ailing bee. 
It drank and drank and drank and drank
sipping the liquid with a pink tongue.
We took loads of photos. 
After about half an hour, the bumblebee got back it's sassy nature 
and waved a cross leg when Eldest lifted it up to a buddleia flower.
Job done :)

Well - there you are - thanks for meandering through my wafflings. Now I am off to read your stories! 


  1. What beautiful cats! The log art installation is very interesting and attractive but my fave picture is the last one, great interpretation, especially with the filigree detail on top of the swings. Btw I couldn't link up, it says the linky has expired. ??

  2. A really fab set of photos. Beloved has also fed bees over the years; so rewarding to see them recover and go on their way. I will select Foam as my favourite this month as I find it particularly calming.....

  3. Love all your entries. Hard to choose a favourite but must say I had a smile at the picture of Pan, usually so remote when we are visiting so lovely to see her smiling. The swings and log art in the gate were my favourites too. By the way, the first quarter of that birthday cake was absolutely delicious. xx

  4. Great interpretations. Cats are always cute to include...especially cats in scarves! Great ones for foam and a quarter of dundee cake. X

  5. Love your photos Kate & thought how funny it was to know you were stumped by one of your own words. The hole in the wall is very interesting & love the cat & bumble bee photos too. Thanks for hosting & take care.

  6. Great photos. Love the first one of sculptural art. I have a book about knitting two sock at once.

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  7. A great collection of photos! I love the first one... my in laws live really close to Pendle Hill, I wonder if the art is still there - something to investigate when we next have time to get up there.

  8. Great photos, I've enjoyed them all. Love the cats and the bumble bee but my favourite is the first one, so unusual:)

  9. I tried that with a bee recently and though she drank a bit, she then just wanted to hide. I was really sad.x

  10. I have joined in this month, your photos are lovely. Especially like the first one of the wall for the word shut. Thank you for taking the time to organise this and hope to be a bit more organised for Octobers list.
    Amanda xx

  11. Doesn't your kitty look happy with her scarf! I love the bee pic too, such a cute little tongue!


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