

Sunday Sunday - so good to me

Sunday - you were great to spend time with.
You wore a lingering scent of spring.
The streams were full and burbling 
sounding like laughter

You were wearing your loveliest smile,
sharing your happiness with us. 
 Sunday, I really loved spending time with you :)

Sunday - you showed me that
 I must always find time for things 
that make me feel happy to be alive

thank you x


  1. I really like the last shot, it's lovely :)

  2. Aha, a post & that was lovely walking with you in photos. Thank you & take care.

  3. Yes spring is definitely on its way. Let's hope my neighbour's talk of another cold snap to come is rubbish! I spent part of my Sunday in the garden and it was wonderful, lifted my spirits and made me smile.

  4. But now sadly it is Monday...and work awaits! x

  5. It very much felt like things were coming to life this weekend, flowers everywhere and walking around with no coat on for the first time in what seems like forever.

  6. It was lovely to feel the warm air on Sunday. Your photographs are beautiful. X

  7. Beautiful writing, I think we all need to remember to spend time doing things we enjoy.

  8. Lovely pictures as usual. Thank you for sharing your walk xx 💚


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Hawthorn x

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