

A survivor

Another week seems to have slipped by and I have barely stopped. Last weekend I looked at the diary and - yes, I did have things written down so - no, I knew I did not have a free week...... but I did hope/plan/long for some time in the studio - so far - half an hour on Wednesday.......

So my planned #30daysart has consisted of evening scribbles on my lap and I am behind somewhat - never mind.

On a rather happy dance moment - I have completed by crochet seaside stashbusting blankie and now suffer a 'serious case' of 'downtime stress syndrome' and yes it really exists although I use it in jest coz I have nothing on the crochet hook at the moment. 

On a walking note, Himself and I, and whichever son was loitering around, have clocked up some miles recently and I have reached the 720mile mark in my #walk1000miles challenge. We have seen some beautifully wistful moon rises, fiery spectacular sunsets and even found several warm and sunny corners to get out of the nippy breeze for a brew.

Last Tuesday I had the privilege of being a small part of a meadow restoration project being run by the National Trust. We spent a happy (but hard working) day planting native wildflower plug plants into a 70 year old unimproved meadow and it was wonderful. My knee may or may not be a little stiff but considering what it could be like, I am happy :)

Back on the art theme - there has been a steady stream of art commissions and sales happening and I am delighted that some are returning customers and others have come via recommendations - did I mention I rather like the day job?

With apologies if this is a bit of a list of things done/achieved/or not as the case may be - but to me - this is good, I am getting through autumn by being busy and happy and that, for me - is unusual and rather pleasant. It is also the third September since I walked out of a job that was slowly destroying me and I am finally coming out the other side feeling not invincible but feeling like I am a survivor and that feels good.

Any hoo - posting this today as I know that although today is another busy day - tomorrow has the potential to go all over the place ! have a lovely weekend xxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Your life sounds like it is in a good place even it is a tad busy. Walking out of a job you don't like is a brave thing to do but it sounds like it was the right move for you.

  2. Lovkely post & yes you are a survivor who is doing so well on the arts scene. I love the photo of the moon peeping over the hills along with your beautiful sketches. Take care & huggles. I'm back on line & just catching up.

  3. NEVER apologise for being the wonderful, very special person who I am privileged to call my friend 💚🐾❤️

  4. Three years ago??? Hard to believe. I agree with Susan, the moon picture is superb. Nice pig sketch too!


  5. I love your sketches. They are beautiful. I envy "proper" artists! And well done for having the guts to walk out of a job that was wearing you down. It seems that you are doing well now as a self employed artist.

  6. You are a fabulous artist - I love your 'scribbles'. I hike too and have only just done my first one since the Cumbria Way in May. Oh it's great to get out in the fresh autumn air - I love these bright and crispy days we have at the moment.


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Hawthorn x

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