

Five on Friday - Gratitude

Five on Friday

An idea I have seen around in tintersphere and it seems a gentle way to round up the week.

Five things I am grateful for...

The woodburner - it is quietly ticking over, keeping the house (and me) warm. The cats show their gratitude by curling up in the tightest of fuzzballs with their eyes squeezed shut while Moss stretches out in front. This weather we have had recently - not bitterly cold but damply cool - does nothing for the spirits, but the warmth of the woodburner definitely helps.

The unexpected kindness of others - having put TAM (art trail) to bed, so to speak, I had felt at a loss as to 'what next'. My fellow TAM co-conspirator and I got together this week to have a chinwag and commiserate and give each other a pep talk. No sooner than we'd done that, we were contacted by the chair of the community centre and invited to install our work on the walls of the lounge.  He was so kind about our work and our efforts. Talk about a boost to moral.

Bonfire toffee - Eldest keeps making it..... which is a terrible shame ... coz it needs eating (nom nom nom) and it is such a dark and warming treat which is perfect to pop in to your mouth as you wrap up before being dragged around the wet countryside by a dilly dog.

My studio - a sanctuary (albeit a chilly one at the moment) where I can immerse myself in to my drawings or paintings, have a flask of tea with music quietly filling the air. And talking of music...

Music on the internet - oh deep joy, oh wondrous bliss - to be able to listen to what I want without anyone cocking a sceptical eyebrow. The ability to choose anything weird and wonderful and listen to it on repeat if it deserves it. Aah - happy happy.

What are your Five on Friday that you are grateful for?
Listing them does make you realise what gentle goodness goes on in your day that you may not have noticed. Go on give it a try xxx

And a gentle plug - I am presently updating my art blog with some of the work I have done month by month (not all work has been added otherwise we'd be here all year...) if you have a brew and a couple of minutes to spare please pop over and have a look thanks - kjsutcliffe art blog

Now a shameless plug - I have entered a competition to get some of my work printed onto to cushions, but to win I need to have earn points which rely on folk looking at the post on facebook and ticking like and share - please follow the link -  HERE and beneath the cushions is the option to Like  and Share, if you can - I would be so appreciative xxxx thank you xxx


  1. I love this idea, and it's nice to know you're still enjoying the toffee. Can I still vote if I'm not a Facebook user? X

    1. I am not sure - but it might be worth a try and if you can - please let me know ! thank you xx

    2. I don't seem to be able to. Sorry Kate. X

  2. "tintersphere" Now that is a new to me, and interesting word!!!! Must look up, the meaning of 'tinter' since I've never seen it before.

    My word for the blogs I write and follow... "Pretty Blog Land." Because most in this group, do not go in for really controversial things to talk about. Feeling there are plenty of places on the Net, to do that, if wanted. -smile-

    And for the lack of such control on FB, I do not have one. So can't plug you, there! -smile-

    Your woodburner sounds wonderful!!! Especially on damp days, which we are having, today! Enjoy!!!!


  3. Do let us know Jules, because I do not have a Faceache account either.

    Love your five, mine are similar, although slightly different {grin}. Any chance your studio could accommodate a little wood-burning stove? Maybe one of those tiny ones that I see in campervans . . . I am sure Moss and the pusskins would appreciate it 🐕🔥💚

  4. I'm not on Faceache either - I steadfastly refuse to be for many reasons - but I've just tried to 'like' and it won't accept it without me signing in to my Faceache account, which I haven't got! Sorry Kate, I would if I could as your art is so lovely it deserves to win.

  5. I saw your Facebook thing yesterday and did not understand it; but now I do! I'll vote for you later. My five graitudes are seeing birds in my garden, crochet, quilting, my own lounge and time with friends.

  6. I have it and I've manage to like and share, :), phew.

  7. Just done the Facebook thing, well I hope I have! x

  8. Good luck in the competition Kate - just done my bit on Facebook x


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Hawthorn x

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