

Hello November

And breathe.

There is a soft grey mist lingering around, dank damp trees with limp rusty leaves. The rain droplets twinkle slightly - almost like small fairy lights - as they hang beneath slick wet branches.
Hallowe'en been and gone with a flurry of bats and pumpkins and the usual delightful wee monsters and beasties at the door with a chorus of treat or treeeeeeeeeeeeeat! Interestingly a couple of older girls asked what it actually meant - so I explained and was delighted that they burst into (albeit a rather tuneless) song so I paid them off with sweets as quickly as possible!
It was good too, to see more (although still in the minority) home made costumes and more variety - less 'scream' masks and a lot more empowering girl power dressing (Frieda Kahlo, female astronauts and Ninja girls) and less sparkly princess. As ever the watchful parents quietly following at a respectful distance mouthing thank yous or prompting their small festive charges to say the same. It is always a good humoured evening and we unfortunately ran out of sweets (after over 60 little visitors) and had to switch off the lights.
As ever, the fortnight long build up to Guy Fawkes and bonfire night has had the inevitable fireworks most evenings. We have a couple more days until the 5th November so I suspect evenings will still be subjected to bangs, explosions and whizzes. One cat quietly vanishes into the airing cupboard, the other trots around growling anxiously until we can ground her with a warm and cozy blanket and soothing words, the dog melts into her bed, pressing herself flat as possible until you produce a toy or a treat and then it is all forgotten and she instantly recovers (not sure what goes on in that fuzzy little head of hers).
Monday - today is still a day of catch up and recuperation. Over the weekend I was at a two day art and craft fair with a number of arty friends, met and made new ones there too, however it was a most disappointing event.  Virtually no visitors. There had been no advertising apart from word of mouth and four small A4 posters put up on the road the Friday before we set up.
On occasion it was so quiet that the only folk in the building were the stall holders and the rather uncomfortably squirming organiser...............
One or two artists had particularly firm words with her and one even packed up early and said that this was to be his final event - he'd had enough and this one was the final straw - oops.
On the positive side, I have made some good connections and received a number of commissions - so I have stuff to get on with (future proofing is as good if not better than flash sales - however it is those sales that give you the buzz). Mark it down to experience and move on.

 As ever everyone's interpretation to last month's list of words blew me away - I am always pleasantly pleased to see how one word can give so many stories and photos - thank you all for joining in :)

November's words will be the last for 2019, we'll rest the challenge for December - there is enough to do during that month any way and then we'll resume the scavenger hunt in January.
SO - November's words .....

Seasonal view
My own choice

We'll share and show our photos and stories on Friday the 29th November.
Until then!


  1. You had 60 visitors on Hallowe'en night? You must have put a chair by the front door.... Pity about the Kelbrook craft do but I'm so surprised it had so few visitors. As you say, you live and learn. Thanks for the new word list; I'll write them out and start to think! Nice pumpkins by the way! x

  2. It's a pity about the arts and crafts fair but, as you say, connections and commissions are always good.
    Great pumpkins. 🎃

  3. Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog!

    I am happy with Cozy November, but my husband shares your feelings about this darker part of the year. I also dreaded November, so was so happy to find a more Natural View of the year and the idea of hibernation. Which happily, works for me.

    Before I forget, thank you for putting your "falling leaves," just on the background! Another blog has had them, showing allllll over her blog page. It is disconcerting. To say the least. -sigh- But she enjoys them, and they will go away, soon, I hope. -smile-

    Your Jack O Lanterns... Works of art! And all your decorations are delightful.

    Leave the best for last...... You descriptive words are most wonderful! I am in awe of people who can delightfully describe nature. In awe. Thank you for sharing...


  4. I am sorry to hear that you had so few visitors to the art and craft event over the weekend, how frustrating that it was only advertise from the day before, what a strange way to organise such an event.

    60 visitors on Halloween night, wow that is a lot! We don't get any here we are quite a way from the centre of the village and I don't think anyone can be bothered to walk out here!

    Glad to hear you are hosting the Scavenger Hunt once again looking forward to finding photos for your great words.

  5. How wonderful to live in such a community where you are visited by such a nice sounding bunch of munchkins :) Your pumpkins are quite beautiful.

    Such a shame about the craft fair . . .

    Hope your four-paws get through the next few days with as little trauma as possible. xx 💚🐾

    1. The four paws recovered seconds after the final bang - all asking to go outside. We kept them in just in case there was a late rush of explosions !

  6. Thanks once again Kate for our word lists. Oh, pity about the craft fair not going so well, but maybe being close to both Halloween & Guy Fawkes put a damper on it. The connections are usually very worthwhile. The pumpkins are amazing & we had no-one knock this year, so very quiet, but being a week night, I find seems to make a difference here in Oz.

  7. Love your pumpkin carving. Shame about the craft fair, hope it wasn't too much of wasted time. CN x

  8. Love your whole Spooky Halloween decorations in your lounge window. No wonder you had so many callers, it looked very welcoming. As for your pumpkins - you have excelled yourself this year! xx


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Hawthorn x

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