


But using said procrastination as a warm up.

It is really chilly in the studio this morning - the convector heater has not quite hit the mark yet and the dog has registered her complaint by curling up in the tightest of balls with her back against it.

I am waiting to start a commission - just need confirmation for the size and there are half done feather paintings waiting for warmer fingers to do the fine detail. So until then - I sketch and drink tea.

So - what are you up to today? How are you keeping your fingers warm and your head happy?
Go on, spill the beans :D

until tomorrow xxx


  1. Anyone who calls such a beautiful sketch 'procrastinating' is a skilled artist indeed :-) Your girls are beautiful (I'm calling them girls by the amount their horns tilt up . . .)

    Not so chilly here today, so fingers are OK.

  2. Your procrastinating is amazing, I love love love your sketching, such wonderful character and detail. It is bitterly cold outside at the moment isnt it, hope your fingers have warmed up. I have been doing some advent planning today, trying hard to keep December simple......

  3. Love those sketches... Those 'guys' know how to keep warm. -smile-

    Happily, it's warm enough in the house. And the sun is shining in, the side, where we 'live.' So that's even better! Always the use the sun, whenever it is available. But out, it is very cold, and we have to go out soon.

    Hope your heater gets all warmed up soon! Poor doggie. -grin-

    Oh and yes, you are not procrastinating. I doubt, it is even, in your nature.


  4. Love the coos. What medium do you use on the feathers?

  5. Always amazing to see what your artistic talent is working on.
    I took a friend out for cake and coffee to the local farm shop this morning, nice chat and good company and then enjoyed a ride on my bike in the afternoon sunshine.

  6. Beautiful beasts! Stayed warm having a brew with a friend and then to Keighley to do more garden clearing which kept me warm...... Rest of the day was shopping, washing, quilt making and crochet! A good day.


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Hawthorn x

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