


Not all traditions and rituals are universally accepted or done - each individual family will have their personal take on something simple and repeat it year on year.

Ours is the annual delivery of cards around the village. We have been doing it ever since we moved here (nearly 18 years ago). At the beginning when the boys were small and we had 'giddy dog' and it would be a whole day event. We'd walk up one end of the village, return to the house for a break, snacks and warm drinks, then we would walk up to the other end. As they grew - the route became circular and completed in one go. If it was snowing or icy - then the sledges would come along too - then at the end of our delivery we would return and recuperate with mugs of steaming tea and mincepies in front of the fire.  There was always a lot of play and seemed to take all day to get round - but it was our tradition - part of the season, part of village life. 

They grew (the boys) and the route, now well worn seemed easier and shorter.  The last few years - it is me now with the shortest legs and they have to slow down for me :D 

Yesterday, it was only Eldest, myself and Moss doing the round. It was bitter and you could taste the metallic iciness in the air. Although the sky was clear above, either side of the valley you could see heavy clouds looming. We walked round quickly - to keep warm and hopefully avoid the impending weather.
 There was a surprisingly amount of dog walkers out, all wrapped up warmly. Some where wandering slowly nattering with friends while their dogs played in bouncy circles around their owners, others were head down and marching with their dogs trotting alongside - duty bound to get out and about and back before it was dark.
 As ever, we both had our cameras, stopping to capture the sun through one arm of the approaching clouds which glowed like molten candy floss. As we walked the crows, which had been swirling and tumbling in the sky above the fields, turned as one and set off home for the day, cawing and craaking as they flew. We kept moving, no time to linger long.
When we returned home, the first drops of icy rain began to fall - we timed it well - now to have that mug of tea and mincepie in front of the fire xxx

What family traditions do you have or do? 
Have a lovely Wednesday xxxxx


  1. Our tradition started a few years ago when, on Christmas day, we pack a picnic and go to Ribblehead viaduct. One year it rained all day; as we ate our lunch in our car we saw 2 'retired' men sitting on a stone wall, in the rain, eating their lunch. We waved at one another. We plan to do the same this year.

  2. Traditions matter, especially as the world seems to be going mad and almost imploding around us. Your outing with Eldest and darling girl sounds wonderful.

    Life blunders on here. Some days are better/worse than others. This week contains mostly (all) worse ones and I have been looking back at February posts, and the kind and thoughtful comments I received from you all. So I just wanted to say "thank you" again. You made so much difference, you will never know quite how much. I owe you an email . . . getting there . . . slowly xx

  3. Lovely tradition... Bringing lovely memories...

    Gorgeous photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here, my husband always makes his Fish Chowder, on Christmas Eve. The children and grands, eat dinner here. And don't have to cook, at home, that day. Then he reads 'The Night Before Christmas" to the grands. From the same book he read, to their parents. Then they go home.

    Christmas Day, children and grands come over, and open presents. We only give presents to 'grands' now. Which makes it all so much easier.

    Then Christmas Dinner.... It was always here, until family grew. Then it has been at one son's or the other.

    So lovely this year, to look forward to these things! Because they were curtailed last year, when my husband was very sick. This year, even all the little things, are so wonderful... After last year. -smile-


  4. Lovely Kate, but our family traditions haved waned since the kids left home. One we always did was watch Carols by Candlelight on Xmas Eve then once they were tucked in for the night, it was Ks & my time to wrap the gifts. I do miss some things as I get older. Thanks for sharing one of yours. Take care.

  5. That sounds like a lovely tradition, we deliver a few cards around the village but not enough that it takes all day. Other traditions? We go for a walk up a hill to watch the sunset on the solstice and then come home and put up the decorations, other than that we just go with the flow ;)


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