


When in the absence of sunshine - you make your own.
 A small bundle of supermarket daffodils for the princely sum of £1
brings the much needed bright glow
of spring sunshine.
 And as an added bonus, a delicate scent hangs in the air,
filling the void left
by the now finished hyacinths.
And, if the day continues as it has hinted at, 
we shall go out, 
and I will walk the dog,
the son and me.
I need to get out, this lingering grey dreary weather is eating into my very soul! I know it is winter but this year - as confirmed by the over enthusiastic weather presenters - has been pretty rubbish.  I find that I resort to dissolving into the settee and find things to do that don't require much effort.... knitting, crochet, writing, sketching, procrastinating ..... things like that. However, after a while it gets to me and I have to go out and walk to exercise myself and the dog, we both need to shake off the stupor and take along the black dog that sometimes fills the room. When we three walk, often only two return - now that is a good thing :)

Have a lovely Wednesday - may the sun shine (in whatever form) for you today xxxxx


  1. Enjoy your walk, my lovely. Just sorry I couldn't accompany you this week 🌨 🙃 🐾

    1. My sweet friend - time to rearrange our quite correctly cancelled last one - don't even think snorkels would have helped! Miss M says we should be more dog and less soft (but then she is part otter and all idiot ....) will email you shortly to plan xxxxxx

  2. I too have to have my daffodil hit at this time of the year. I refuse to pick the ones I have in the garden so the £1 bunch is a bargain. Amazingly the weather has been quite nice today.

  3. Love daffodils!! It will not be long till we get to see those around here. May you have a great Wednesday!

  4. Lovely daffodils & not much walking happening here either with so much dreary weather, which invariably looks too much like rain. Actually raining here steadily now, so no walkies today. It's only early Autumn & we've had more rain than in the first six months of last year & notmuch sunshine. Our tomatoes are taking an age to ripen. Take care & huggles.

  5. I wonder just how many homes are being cheered by these delightful and inexpensive bunches of daffodils at this time of year. Beautiful photographs. X


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