

April's words and photos

Hello all,
this month's prompts have been supplied by this lovely lady  Here are my photos and stories, I hope you enjoy x

is the scent of warm cat fur and damp earth, the emerging seedlings and the promise they bring

Makes me smile ...
Her face when I talk to her - I know she listens.

Relaxing with ....
a new book - I vanish into the pages and walk with the author, I hear his words, see his landscapes - hungry for more

Busy with ...
Weeding, lawn edging, hedge cutting, flower bed rejuvenation, weeding, compost turning, seed sowing, gutter clearing, plant pricking, weeding, corm planting, brick paving clearing, plant splitting and weeding... did I mention weeding?

Positive about ...
difficult this one. I am keeping myself and my family as safe as possible, we are following the restrictions, we cook and eat meals that keep our morale up, I garden and walk and bake. We craft, we talk, we laugh and we do discuss the situation, but we do not dwell on the news or the negativity. It is hard but we know that we need to try. We each have our ways to deal with this strangeness, this difference, this world challenge.  And each day is a day nearer an end and that is what I am being positive about.

My own choice ....
Evening sun on Pendle Hill from Wednesday evening - a blessed escape on the hills as part of our daily walk.

thank you for reading my wafflings, I am off now to read all the other links - #staysafe and keep in touch xxxxx


  1. I love your thoughtful words and pictures. I see you have been busy weeding rather a lot! Join the club. Where do they come from. Love the picture of Moss listening to you. I too am sure she understands everything you say. Thanks for the bluebells picture, not able to see any this year.💓 xx

  2. Didn't you to well with the words! Love your photos and Moss is the winner, closely followed by Pepper. I particularly liked your phrase 'each day is a day nearer an end' - exactly! You too have been super busy; I agree with your view about the numerous weeds that appear regularly! Keep positive and safe. x

  3. I get a feeling of calm from looking at your photographs this month.
    Of course Moss is listening to you, and I always love to see her beautiful face. X

  4. Love Moss taking so much notice as well as puss & the bluebells. I agree with your lovely words (always touching), & need to say a big thank you for being our blogging inspiration each month. The sunset is lovely too. Take care, stay safe and huggles.

  5. Hello! Thanks for hosting this link up party! It's always nice to have a little wander around other blogs and see whats happening in other parts of the world. Your doggy friend is adorable!

  6. The sunset is stunning, what a joy to be out in the fresh air witnessing that on your walk.
    A lovely post to read, I could have talked to Moss for ages looking at me like that, it really does look like she is listening, I bet she gives good advice too!

  7. How lovely - your cat makes me want to cuddle up to her - I'm needing a cat in my life lol The gardens of the world are loving this lockdown - and you're so right about being positive of the end in sight x

  8. All beautiful photos, dogs, cats, sunsets, you can't to wrong!


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Hawthorn x

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