

Frog #30dayswild 16

I may have a thing for frogs ....

(warning - if you don't - don't scroll down!!)


#staywild #30dayswild  Rana temporaria


  1. Next challenge? I might even do this one!

  2. OMG, I had to stop looking after the first few photos, I'll probably have a nightmare tonight. I don't know why, but frogs scare the life out of me!!


    1. Oh Hazel - sorry! I just love them so much -oops may be I should have put a warning :D

  3. Ooh, I love frogs.....As a child of about 7, I brought one inside to show my Mum & then was smacked, scolded & told to take the horrible thing outside. Luckily I had a very elderly Aunt who let me show her the ones I found on her lawn. They were ever so cute little green ones, not unlike the jelly lolly frogs we used to get at one time here in Oz. I know we have frogs near the pond, but we only ever hear them. Actually they've been very vocal of an evening lately. Yours is a beauty. Thanks for sharing, take care & huggles.

  4. Oh my... I guess you do have a thing for frogs!

  5. Lovely little slug-eating machines 🐸🐸🐸

  6. How lovely! Does it live in your garden? Do you have a pond? (Something I keep meaning to create in our garden.)

    1. Although we do have a pond and resident frogs, this lot were 'captured' during various stints working at the National Trust's walled garden up at Malham Tarn Estate or around Pendle Hill with the Pendle Landscape Group.

  7. Ohh dear!! I am a bit scared of toads. I would never harm any of them for they are necessary in the environment. Don't some of them have poison on their skins? It is good to have them around though.

  8. Lovely pictures and froggy friend

    Julie xxxx

  9. I like frogs but would not want handle one! I do find one occasionally in my garden. My friend's grandson collected some frog spawn earlier this year and now they have froglets. They are slowly being distributed among various people's ponds. Pity I don't have a pond.

  10. He's a beauty. I used to love newts. Don't see them all that much these days. I think not looking for them anymore has contributed to that.

  11. Our cat brought one in hanging out of its mouth once, a present I think!

  12. I like the little mouse effect you have on this blog. Looks like lots of little number 4's...


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