

Summer Solstice 2020 #30dayswild 20

 As the seasons turn and the sun reaches its highest and northern most point in the sky - we celebrate summer solstice and welcome the official start of summer here in the northern hemisphere. The North Pole is at it's maximum tilt of 23.5 degrees-ish facing the Sun which results in the longest day and shortest night.

And we have celebrated the day by being out walking in the most glorious light.
This was also the first time we have been out in our converted van - Zeb.
Not fully decorated but all functioning and ready to play!
As was Moss, she was so so ready for a walk out (mind you - so were we..!)

The views just pulled us in,  
The sky filled our eyes and the bird song filled our soul.

 We sat for a breather, listened to the sounds,
felt the warm breeze,
tasted the damp humid air
Our pathway took us through wonderfully billowing meadows,
below a mobile sky.

 I swear I heard Moss laugh out loud with glee

Then after several wonderful cathartic hours
and many miles,
we returned to Zeb,
put on the kettle,
then sat comfortably and just soaked up the atmosphere.

Then, reluctantly we tore ourselves away,
to head home.

I think I must have smiled all the way home -
another wonderful day
spent on the hills
and with Himself
and Moss.

Solstice blessings


  1. Just wonderful. And now I have van envy :) X

  2. Lovely photos. Amazing views. How comforting to have Zeb and a cup of something to come back to.

  3. Solstice Blessings indeed 💚🌞.
    Zeb is a wonderful addition to your family; may I ask where Moss travels?

    I can picture her with a doggy seatbelt harness on that front bench seat watching the tarmac speed past . . . (and yes, smiling and internally going “wheeeeeeeee” )

    1. Thank you, solstice blessings to you! Moss initially travelled up front with her" doggy seatbelt" however we think she was over stimulated by all that movement so on the return journey we snuggled her down with her bed at my feet and she slept all the way home! Success!

  4. Zeb will get so much use, I love her (has to be a her, vehicles always are)
    I was up watching the live feed from English Heritage at Stonehenge this morning, I also watched the sunset one last night.

  5. Your day sounded absolutely divine. x

  6. Oh what a beautiful way to spend the Solstice day!!! Truly wonderful views and as always your words to go along with the pics are spot on.

  7. I feel so calm reading this post. Zeb is going to be used a lot! Looks like Moss likes Zeb too. Can't wait for your next Zeb adventure.

  8. Wonderful, Moss looks most content to just have a lie down.


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