

My own choice - walking

 31st December :  My own choice

This one photo was randomly chosen out many, because of its representation of what 2020 was to me - walking.  (I may, or may not have chosen more than one ... but equally you may not have noticed either....)

Walking on my own with this wonderful if slightly mad dog, walking with a bubble group when it was permissible, walking with a friend, walking with Himself and always always accompanied by Moss. 

I could have picked any one of the hundreds of pictures of her, but the first photograph - taken in September one late and still very warm afternoon - was the one that did it for me. She found an old stone trough in an empty field. Unusually it was full of clean water and she slipped in like a furry slug and wallowed in the water. She makes us laugh, she knows when I am down, she squishes my feet when they are cold, she begs for biscuits by trying to be cute, she runs 100 miles an hour and can see nothing wrong with a full body mud pack .... her joy for life and capacity to love and forgive is something we should all try hard to emulate (but may be not the mud pack).

Moss and walking helped me through a lot of 2020, and despite all the vitriol, the hatred, the fake news, the scaremongering, despite the restrictions, the lockdown, despite the negativity, the strangeness of it all - this year allowed me to blossom. I was given the luxury of space, of time away from people to still my mind, find my creative mojo and find myself.  Good bye 2020 may you just fade to a memory now.

On that note dear ones - have a quiet, safe and loving New Year and may 2021 be just a little kinder to us all xxx

Thank you for being there 


  1. I love your dog, she lives such an abundant life with zest, and is a great role model to follow, for you and for me. I like her coat and how her ears show spots on the inside. Quite the fashion gal. Mr. Bounce, my pup, gives me the same joy and he gets me out on walks two times a day.

    1. Thank you! She has been such a blessing - I love your dog's name - Mr Bounce - brilliant!

  2. You picked the best photo for the first one, it's gorgeous, and worth framing if you haven't already :)

    1. Thanks Eunice - she is such a poser when it comes to photos :)

  3. Dear Kate - you've said everything I might have wanted to say about 2020 and dogwalking. Thank you. And, as the vet said to us when we apologised for the state of our dog, 'Whenever I see a muddy dog, I know it's a dog that has a happy life.'

    1. I love that! .... Whenever I see a muddy dog, I know it's a dog that has a happy life... that is just wonderful xxx thank you for sharing πŸ₯°

  4. Beautiful Moss. She certainly loves life.
    Sending you and your family my warmest wishes for the New Year. Xx

    1. Thank you❤️ She does - she certainly does love life and brings us such joy! Happy new year to your precious family xx

  5. Of course, Moss is the perfect Own Choice. Here's hoping 2021 is better and that Moss and the photo hunt continue! Thanks again for organising this. x

    1. Happy new year lovely lady ❤️ here is to a better 2021 xx

  6. That first picture is my favourite, it is fabulous. She is a really good way of summing up your year and I'm sure she's made even the most miserable of days better. Thank you Kate for hosting the scavenger hunt all year, I'm looking forward to being part of it in 2021. Take care and have a nice peaceful new year.

    1. Thank you Carol - she is very photogenic :) Here is to 2021 and lots of happy blogging xx

  7. Lovely post Kate & I felt the words so aptly described this year. I was going to comment after I linked up, but it was so late & what with pesky blackbirds all day & the blogger not playing in allowing where I wanted my photos (still not where they were placed), I just finished my cup of chamomile tea & went to bed.Thanks for hosting this & inspiring us. Hopeful New Year, take care, stay safe & huggles. Hugs to Moss too, as she is so cuddly & I'd love to be able to pat her again.

    1. Thank you Susan - sleep first - comments later! Quite happy with that :D It is past midnight as I type this - so happy new year ! x

  8. If the darling girl could caption the first picture, I think she is asking "and your point is . . .? " because there is nothing more normal if you are part-otter than to jump in a big convenient bath!

    Love the last picture too - haven't you worn that blankie out yet πŸ€“πŸ€ͺ πŸΎπŸ’š

    1. Darling girl still loves her Daisy blankie and it now lives in the sewing room and when the sun comes pouring through the window that dilly dog just basks on her settee and blankie xx

  9. Oh, that was a lovely surprise. 😊

    Left my comment on this post, scrolled up to see if the words for your next photo challenge were published and found me. Thank you. You are right, it was such a special day, bloody Covid for preventing us doing it again.

    What I said then is just as valid now: . . . another huge hug, virtual this time which will have to suffice until the next real one.

    1. After our emails - I just had to do it - that lovely warm and dry day when we walked with my dilly dog - it was special! πŸ₯° hugs xxx

    2. and do not forget taking our shoes off to walk through the stream when there was a perfectly serviceable bridge within touching distance!

  10. You can't go wrong with any photo of Moss! What a fabulous walking partner she has been for you in such a messed up year, a true treasure. Now onto a better year, but keep on walking and taking those fun snaps of her!
    Thanks so much for hosting the hunt, it's always nice to see how others see things and where they live in different parts of the world.


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Hawthorn x

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