

You are amazing x

Hello dear ones - thank you so much for your thoughtful comments and I was touched that some of you shared your word for 2021 with me - thank you.

Those words have such power and positivity.  Here is to all of us being able to step up and blossom this year, with support and kindness I am sure we can negotiate our way through 2021 and survive.

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On the fun and success of December's one word a week photo scavenger hunt, I thought I would trial it a bit longer and see how it goes - for those of you who are newbies, this is what we do ...

Using the word as inspiration, find or take a photo that fits, then waffle a bit of a story with it and share with us on the show-and-tell day. You can find the list for January is at the top right corner of my blog.

Your photo (or photos if you have more that one that goes with your story) can either be freshly snapped that week or one from your archives - we don't mind, it is all about sharing the stories and pictures. I will add a link up and all you have to do is follow the very easy steps and share your post. Then we can come and find you and comment on your photos and stories xxx

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And, to make you smile - here have this happy little face and gorgeous smile - hope it makes your day, like she does mine every day :)


  1. Who can resist that sweet little face, she's adorable :)

    1. She is such a smiley dog,, never known one with such a sunny disposition despite the awful beginnings she had x

  2. I'm catching up on reading . Loved your photos of the year, lots of views of beautiful places.

    1. Thank you Sue😊 happy new year to you x

  3. Oh Moss, come & give me a cuddle too. Thanks for our list of words & it will be a pleasure joining in again this year & a new format keeps it interesting. I still need to come up with a word for the year & also a plan for goals. Definitely not resolutions as they are too hard to keep. Take care, stay warm & safe and huggles.

    1. Your 'word' will come you you, don't worry. It finds the need and fills it x

  4. Thankyou for your blogging and inspiration

    1. Likewise, I'm always inspired by your vegetable gardening and preserving skills!

  5. My word is like so many, hope. Maybe patience should be added.

    1. Yes, a very heartfelt word that has come up several times xx

  6. Great face to smile in the new year Kate :) x

    1. She has such a sunny demeanour, makes us all smile x

  7. I hope we'll be seeing Moss regularly during 2021. My word for 2021 will be FUN be it having fun or finding fun in everyday things small and large. I'm ready for the first word too of 2021! x


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Hawthorn x

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