

A lovely memory

Walking to Waternish (pronounced Vatta nish) on the Isle of Skye. Where the sea and the sky merge into a single blue. The air is clear and fresh and you feel like you could hug the sky.

Where minky whales slowly crest and dive along the coast as you walk - making your heart sing and your eyes eat the view, pulling in every drop of the vista to keep it safe and keep it for ever in your head and in your heart.

Where the earthy scent of sweaty bracken swirl and twist with the crusty smell of the salty air. Mouthwatering.

A memory which is part of me, threaded through my very bones - one so special that my heart aches when I think on it. 

I miss this. I miss being able to go back to places I love and find places yet to love. I will return, one day, I will return xxxx


  1. A lovely memory indeed Kate, and I felt almost as if I was with you there on Skye :-)

  2. You have always loved Skye. Thank you for sharing that beautiful memory. You will go back one day and come back with even more happy memories. 💓 xx

  3. Beautiful. Pity your garden job isn't based on Skye....

    1. Ah, may be then it would lose it's charm it it was a daily thing rather than something special :)

  4. Gorgeous. I love the 'clear and fresh' air. What time of year did you go?

    1. We have been in July and August - one year was brilliant wall to wall sunshine the other was a little more hit and miss but still beautiful

  5. What a lovely post! You make me want to go there and make memories, too.

    1. Thank you Ella - it is a lovely place with so many beautiful places.

  6. That looks and sounds like a beautiful place to visit, hopefully you'll be able to go again soon.

  7. Lovely post & so glad I got there some years back, as when I first saw pictures in an old Country Life magazine my great grandmother showed me in the 50s, I wanted to go. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & photos. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. Lovely place to visit, I do feel for the locals though with all the visitors

  8. That does look absolutely beautiful ... we definitely want to explore more of Scotland and would love to visit Skye 😃

    1. Skye is beautiful - what is not beautiful are the sheer numbers of visitors (and I am very aware that we are visitors too) the roads are extremely narrow in most of the island and coach loads of visitors go on package tours around all the main sites, lots of visitors come by car (us included) and park on the sides of the roads etc, so it is hard for the locals, having said that, there are wonderful isolated parts of the island and they are precious when you find them.

  9. How beautiful Kete ... I'd love to visit the Scottish islands properly - we've been to Skye once but only for a fleeting visit to the main town. Your photos are just mouthwatering to use your word.

  10. PS Kate, thanks for adding my link xx

  11. I've posted my blog. Thank you for helping me

    Julie xxxxx


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