

Random notes on a Tuesday

I'm off to work in a bit - the gardens I worked in last year have woken up and coincidently two owners contacted me over the weekend to kickstart the spring tidy.  This week is going to be busy.
The sunrise this morning was glorious - an eyewatering peach and pink confectionary but by the time I'd picked up and switched on my cell phone to take a photo, the colours had softened from psychedelic to harmonious. Then it was gone - all just in a few moments.
I was drinking a coffee, let it go cool, gently warmed it the microwave and now have 'lost it' somewhere in the house. I have been pottering around getting ready for work and have abandoned it along the way - I must find it - excuse me a mo...
... Found it, Moss is watching me like a hawk. She's noticed I have my work trousers on and is quietly not letting me out of her sight. She will be disappointed for the first garden as it is definitely a 'No Dogs' garden. The owner tolerates them but her garden is far too ornamental and landscaped for a giddy galumph like Moss. This afternoon's garden is another matter - a large wild and windy moorland expanse with a dog-loving owner who requests that I bring my furry side-kick. Then those two play while I work - what a dog's life!
Yesterday Himself and I tackled a rather large and not much liked hedge we have between a neighbour and ourselves. It is a leylandii monstrosity and belongs to next door. Unfortunately we are on the shaded sideπŸ™„ For the last year our neighbour has promised to reduce it's height - we do happily get on with our neighbours however we do know that what he says he'll do and what he actually does is often two different things. Any hoo about a fortnight ago we could hear chainsaw noises and on investigation, found him up a ladder sweating and swearing at both the hedge and the machinery ..... Yesterday Himself and I got out our ladders, long loppers, extended saws and bow saws finished what he started. The light now coming into the garden and in particular the greenhouse is wonderful - I often think mean and murderous thoughts about that hedge. Then I see the amount of birds using it and step back.
Lockdown restrictions seem to be shifting, in slow calculated stages instead of the previously headless 'eat-out-to-help-out' type free for all - hopefully this time things settle down and even out - fingers crossed.
Our garden and on our walks there is a definite shift towards spring - snowdrops and crocus are appearing quietly without any fuss - but they do so gladden my heart and make it sing.
Youngest and I walked out last week - after a week of intermittent internet culminating in a complete loss - stressing him out as he was missing online lectures and seminars. I made him get out and get some fresh air - it helped. These photos are from that walk.

Life is quietly pottering on and apart from a few hiccups which we have dealt with, life goes on, we are who we are. We make the best of what we have and we what we have is enough. That is all I can ask for πŸ’š

I wish you a gentle week, may it be 'enough' for you too xxx


  1. Hugo sulks and sighs when he sees me in my work clothes. He knows he can't come with me so I get dirty looks. X

    1. Moss certainly sulked when I sent her off to sit with my son whilst I went off to work - she took it very personally! Poor ol' Hugo - I know those looks, Moss shoots them at me too haha

  2. I know that walk and the buildings and the tree-lined lane. It is one of our regular local walks. Yes there seem to be lots of snowdrops out now. I saw my first curlew yesterday. x

    1. Last week we were up on a drovers track below the moor road and we heard a curlew, didnt see it but as soon as it trilled we knew! We also saw a couple of lapwings but they were silent - it made our walk! Spring is definitely on it's way.

    2. PS There are 4 gates in the farm you walked through! I feel I ought to name them as they are becoming very familiar! The curlew call is unmistakable. x

    3. I had to mentally count the gates - yes - four of them. What would you call them? To us they are ... 1 Grumpy chicken man gate, 2 The up and over, 3 Cinder brick gate and the final one is the stone style gate followed by Moss's favourite - the stile she loves jumping over!

  3. Thank you for your rambling walk & thoughts. Enjoy your busy week in "hopefully" sunshine & glad to hear some normality maybe happening in a slow well ordered manner over there. Love seeing Moss grinning & the snowdrops are so pretty. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. No sunshine so far, just very windy and wet!

  4. A gentle read, just what needed and yes what we have is enough.
    Hope the jobs go well
    Lynn x

  5. Enjoyed your gentle ramble and love the names you have given the gates!! Poor Moss, being left behind. Bet she takes it personally!! But the afternoon garden will have made up for it. Seen snowdrops too and can just see the spikes of the daffodil pencils poking up along the banks outside. Spring is really on its way, just what the country needs to lift our spirits.🧑 xx

  6. Overgrown leylandii is a foul and unwanted thing, but you are right about the evergreen cover it provides for birds.

    Always love hearing you talk about Miss Moss "giddy galumphing" around. What a wonderful life she has with you. πŸΎπŸ’š

  7. At least one of my neighbours wanted to kiss me when we removed our inherited, multiple lines of monstrous Leylandii! When looked after properly, they can look great, but most people unfortunately leave them to their own devices. How great that you are encouraged to take Moss to one of the gardens. Lulu x


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