

Starts with a W

 Work starts with a W....

I thought I would share a few moments from work

like this moment from Thursday, 
when after working in the glasshouse all day,
it finally looked tidy.
Or that moment when the boss brings out a chocolate and mint bun
and a mug of tea for me :)
Then there is that moment when the glasshouse
was completely covering in the most beautiful filigree ice
Not a bad view from the office is it?
I get to meet new folk - at the prescribed safe distance with masks
That lovely moment when you see bulbs flowering
...and that precious little moment when a ladybird is woken up
by the sunshine streaming through the glasshouse windows...
Despite the chilly weather recently,
spring does feel like it is on the way.


  1. Love your interpretation of the choice for this week. Yes, spring is definitely just peeping round the corner but then I have just seen news of the snow in Scotland last night and.......maybe spring not quite thinking of arriving yet. πŸ’“xx

    1. Thank you - I have to agree, today was very cold - although not as frosty the wind chill really cut through all forms of clothing!

  2. Great photos
    Spring is definitely on its way

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  3. Replies
    1. It is a lovely one - and already despite it's 85 foot length .... I have nearly filled it with sown seeds - eek!

  4. What a lovely working environment & I like your thought process for "W". I know I'd enjoy it too & would love to be one of your volunteers. Good to see those bulbs flowering already. Thanks for sharing, take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. I have been really lucky with my volunteers - lovely people that don't necessarily know what they are doing but are filled with enthusiasm, I now have a bit of a waiting list which I find rather special that folk want to give up their time to come and work with me even though it has been bitterly cold :)

  5. A lovely insight into your working day. I like your new picture at the top with the blog title (not sure what the proper word is!).

    1. Thank you Belinda and yes I know what you mean - blogger calls it the 'page header' 😊

  6. Beautiful; what's not to like about your work place? Good to see Moss was included! A boss that brings you a brew and cake? Wonderful. I've never had such a boss.... x

    1. And what cake it was ! Nombledocious indeed πŸ˜„

  7. Love looking at your workplace, so jealous of the greenhouse. CN x

    1. Thank you CN - I am lucky to work there indeed😊🌱🐾

  8. I too am loving the updates from the garden ... the frost on the greenhouse looks fabulous ... I was so excited to see that our leeks are through this week ... can’t wait for the weather to warm up a bit so we can get outside ... strawberry bed is always my first job and it’s looking decidedly raggedy at the minute πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Ooh leeks! Ours are still sleeping under the soil haha - I can't wait for the weather to warm up either! The strawberry beds at work are on my to do list next week for the same reason - definitely decidedly raggedy indeed 😊

  9. oo I love the ice on the windows ... what a gorgeous job that is

  10. Your workplace looks wonderful! I'm really looking forward to see you bring everything to life, bring on spring!

  11. I love the ice patterns on the greenhouse windows, and the little ladybird waking up is so sweet :-)

  12. What a handsome glass house. My greenhouse is tiny, standing space for one, but even so, I sometimes escape to it when it is raining and just stand there looking out, cuppa at hand. The neighbours probably think I'm a proper weirdo! So next place we have, I will invest in a super large greenhouse! How lovely to see a little ladybird out at this time of year. Lulu x


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Hawthorn x

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