


A load of ash logs - an unexpected gift of much needed fire wood. The kindness of others never fails to touch me. All we need now is to split them into woodburner sized pieces and we are good to go!  

Sadly the tree was a victim of ash die back and had become rotten in the centre - it must have been quite a size as some of the lumps of wood took two of us to lift into the wheelbarrow.

This pile in the photo is about half, we'd already moved and stacked a similar amount when I suddenly thought of this week's prompt and decided that this unexpected delivery of logs would fit the bill perfectly!

Have a lovely Friday xxx


  1. Aren't unexpected gifts just the best! I came home last week to find a surprise packet of chocolate and orange hot cross buns sitting on the porch. It was a lovely thought. Arilx

    1. They are most definitely! Those hot cross buns sound absolutely delicious - not had that flavour before :)

  2. Lovely useful unexpectected gift.

    Julie xxxxx

  3. What a lovely unexpected gift and such a useful one too.๐Ÿงก xx

  4. What a treat ... and lovely for something to end up being used right till the very end of its life ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  5. A great unexpected and very useful gift, I hope it helps to keep you toasty and warm :)

    1. It was a lovely gesture - a very useful gift indeed :)

  6. What a lovely surprise, especially if needed in your cold weather. Splitting keeps you fit, as I used to do ours way back when we had a fuel stove for cooking & hot water. That lane where they are makes me think about our visits. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. It was a lovely surprise, we are burning it now - and the house feels lovely and warm

  7. Ash die back is a problem around these parts too, but free wood is always welcome.

  8. Wow, what a nice surprise! There is something so soothing to me about piles of wood. A long time ago, I had a real fireplace and it was an absolute highlight of winter picking up chopped logs on the way back from work. I can still smell them! Lulu x


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