

Following on

 June has been fairly flaming hot - which is glorious - it warms me right through to my bones, although, I am still wearing heavy work trousers, T-shirt and lightweight fleece and boots daily - yes it is warm but it is delicious.

June is also my birth month and this year must have rated as the best birthday weekend I have had in a very long while.

It was filled with family and camping, sultry sunsets and mesmerising reflections, thoughtful gifts, delicious cake and wonderful walks.
Moss is an oddity - she feels the heat yet does not stop (the hard-wiring in a working collie brain won't let her - I am yet to find the 'off switch') so at work she has access to plenty of water and I have to make sure she takes a break.
Initially she took over a tray of water designed to soak freshly pricked out seedlings - it stays permanently full of water (and the occasional dog) in the lobby of the glasshouse. Then my boss bought her a paddling pool ..... I can see staff favouritism occurring here .... where's my pool?
Please note the snarky side eye as I snap yet another photograph .... 

I shall leave you with a small selection of photos from June - and we have only really just reached half way - still time to enjoy the long warm days it as we head to July.

You can also read my latest work post HERE


  1. That's a lovely batch of images!
    Glad you had a good birthday..mine is up soon, hope I will have sun instead of the usual rain!!

    1. Thank you 🤗 Ooh I hope you have good weather too - makes such a difference!💗

  2. Some lovely pictures Kate. We could have done with a paddling pool here this last week … it has been sooooo hot … raining today though 😃

    1. Thank you Carol, we need some rain (prefer sunshine tho!) for the garden - send some up north please 😁

  3. I love Moss in the paddling pool and that snarky side eye, Hugo does them too, though never yet managed to get a photo. 😂

    1. chuckle - that snarky side eye is a regular and she holds it for so long that you begin to wither beneath her gaze! Definitely need to get Hugo's side eye!

  4. Haha, Moss in that paddling pool... brilliant!!! Next she'll be wanting an ice cold slushie with a sunbrella and slice of orange in the top. Beautiful pictures of the reflected clouds and golden sunset. Happy birthday to you. Lulu x

    1. Thank you! 🤗 Moss is so spoilt at work - truly is but she loves going so much. I loved those cloud reflections too - took many photos that evening x

  5. Belated birthday wishes & I know I've sent very few cards over the past year due to some not arriving & others very, very late. Love Moss in her paddling pool & your weather looks glorious. So much wind damage around us and flooding a little further east, making these lockdowns even harder. Enjoy while you can, sending & our love and hugs. Take care & stay safe.

  6. Time flies so quickly, it’s hard to think we are more than half way through June. And what a good month you are having. Happy birthday month to you Kate. Your photos are lovely and Moss looks like she’s not for sharing that pool haha.
    Take care
    Lynn x

    1. Thanks Lynn, yes this year is just flying by - Moss is definitely a water-hog (we suspect she has an inner labrador as her 'spirit animal'😁🐾)

  7. Fabulous images Kate. Happy June birthday! I'm a June babe too :-) Would you be a Gemini by any chance? Moss is definitely a water he loves the water. I wonder if he thought you were going to get into his paddling pool with him. That look is definitely a look! LOL! Love the Charles Dickens quote! One of my favourite classic authors...realistic glimpses of Victorian society. keep well Amanda x

  8. Sounds like you're having a great time. Was that first photo Glasson Dock? We used to go there a lot until they made the car park pay-and-display. Oh Moss in her pool. What a wonderful boss you have. Then there is muddy Moss, another great photo. Keep having fun! x

    1. Yes - Glasson Dock we park just outside the village (on the road to the marina/Glasson Grain Group) - there is a long stretch of the road where folk park, there are benches for viewing and a 'view finder' stone 'sign' all facing towards Sunderland point. Moss and I are very aware how kind our boss is (notice I say 'our', Moss had to go to the interview too....!)

  9. My birthday month too though unfortunately I was working on the day - it sounds like you had a great weekend though. I love Moss in the paddling pool, you have a very thoughtful boss :) I recognise Glasson Dock and Sunderland Point, Sambo's grave is in a lovely little spot but I don't think much of the nearby newly built stone 'camera obscura' dome, it's hideous and totally out of keeping with its surroundings.

    1. Happy birthday for June :) I do have to disagree with you over the camera obscura dome - I can understand why you say it is out of keeping with its surroundings however the stone work is beautifully done with incredible craftmanship and it stands out less than the bird hide right next to it (not completed yet) but both give such wonderful views out over the estuary and the sea and help draw in the visitors. We loved Sunderland Point and certainly going to go back :)


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