

Feeling waspish

I have retreated from the garden - my own this time - as I have had enough of the wasps 'bumping' into me. They have moved into the greenhouse, beneath the slate flooring my potting table stands on. I'd not noticed them initially until I saw a steady stream of buzzy things flying at knee level and dropping down to my feet as I was about to start potting up succulent cuttings.

On closer (!) inspection (on hands and knees and glasses on) I noticed that the buzzy things were wasps and they by then had 'noticed' me. That is when the 'bumping' started. So after grabbing a few essentials I moved my potting up plans to the patio table - where after a few moments, I felt that 'bump' again - they are definitely flying into me as a warning.

Any hoo - I removed myself from 'their' flight path and have spent the morning clearing the path into the garden, along the edge of the back lane and hanging washing out, essential but boring jobs. And now, I am inside, with the cat and the dog and a tall glass of cold juice. It is 28 deg c and muggy out there despite the overcast skies and light breeze.

I was working this weekend and had planned to jump in the van and head for the hills however, having got home, slumped on to a bench in our garden with a mug of tea and a fruit and nut flapjack (oh so delish), I realised how tired I was - so we spent a quiet weekend at home in the garden - we are so lucky to have this small patch of Eden just outside our back door and I am very grateful for it.

If you were wondering about the photographs - the top one is our hopefully work's 'winning entry' into the local sunflower competition. At seven foot I suspect it is not the tallest but hopefully an improvement on last year's entry when apparently they came last!

The middle picture is the lovely little coastal village of Sunderland on Sunderland Point, Lancashire. We visited it back in June and I would not mind a second look.

The next photo is Moss at work actively avoiding her splash pool - stoopid dog. Loves water, loves hosepipes, loves swimming, loves her own 'pawsonal' paddling pool....... however - ask her to trot through and look like she is having fun immediately became an issue!!

Any way - this post is more for me, to get me blogging again, so thank you for reading through this waffle, normal transmission will return (soonish?) well, I can hope can't I!

Moss and I can also be found HERE


  1. That splash pool looks very inviting … I would be very happy to dip my toes in 😃

    1. We did! it was 33 deg c at work and we all just gave up and stood in the water!

  2. Your sunflower is bigger than mine which has a small flower. I would like to go to that village too. Beautiful pictures.

    1. We planted 36 sunflowers - purely for this competition so fingers crossed however despite this one being 7 foot - I don't think it is big enough! Oh well, there is always next year haha

  3. Good that they were good enough to bump you to give you the Move on Please message!

    1. I am very relieved that they were in a good mood! I was obviously not a threat (yet) and they made sure I moved on!

  4. A good idea to avoid the wasp bumping. That sunflower is impressive. X

    1. Yes - there was no need for them to repeat themselves - I moved as soon as I got the message!

  5. I think I may have to check out where Sunderland Point is on the map as it’s in Lancashire where I am.
    Good luck with the sunflower. A friend gave me one and the clumsy wandering welder snapped it in two by accident.
    Moss’s paddling pool is a super duper one.
    Rain is forecast for the week now just as we leave for five days at our caravan
    Take care
    Lynn xx

    1. Yes do - it is a lovely tidal village and you go through another village - Overton and it has a lovely little family owned garden centre - and if you are into your plants, worth a visit :)

  6. Love your sunflower. Good luck with it. Never heard of wasps bumping into someone with the message 'please move away'. I tend to move without any message! x

    1. I also usually remove myself when it comes to groups of wasps, one on its own I'll just keep an eye on, but coz I was working - what I thought at a 'safe' distance, I was letting them get on with things - which included doing drive bys into my head! They did it again to me this afternoon as I put the tools away.

  7. Lovely snaps, especially Moss avoiding playing in her pool Wasps can be so annoying & the introduced European ones here can be quite painful if they sting. Thanks for sharing & hope you still keep blogging. Take care & hugs.

  8. Impressive sunflower! I think sunflowers are so very yellow because they are drenched in the sun. I remember seeing fields and fields of them in Australia and it seemed as if all their faces were tilted upwards to catch the sun, just like sun-worshippers. Around about May every year we get invaded by wasps. I swear there is a nest near my kitchen window I have looked and looked and can't see it. They don't really bother me much although I try to shoo them away. I just think they have no business inside my home. It definitely sounds like to me they are wanting you gone :-) That village looks so peaceful. I would like a bit of that. Keep well Amanda x

  9. Silly Moss. Strange that she does not enjoy her new paddling pool. She looks really unhappy. Lovely sunflower. Well done getting it to 7 feet. Hope it does well, should be better than last at that height. xx 🌼


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