

The turning of the wheel

 Has anyone else felt it? That shift in the seasons. The taste in the air?

That softly scented decay drifting on the early morning breath. An earthy tang rising from the soil.

Working today down below the plant canopy with my hands busy in the garden - it felt damp and crumbly. The humus smell filled my head.

Harebells abound and tree leaves have lost their summery shade of green hinting at tones of rust.

I am not ready.


  1. Don't say that - I'm not ready either. Time flies. August already. ๐Ÿงก

    1. This year started slowly and was bumbling along nicely then suddenly it picked up speed and is now rapidly racing towards the end!

  2. I understand your "not ready" yet feeling, although here I am hoping that some warm weather arrives soon, so hoping that you can still have yours too. Extreme winds again today & has rained on and off all night, so not much getting done in our garden. Take care & hugs.

    1. I can understand your need for better weather - but I'm not ready to give ours up just yet!

  3. We've had such a cold, wet summer, I don't think any of us is quite ready for fall.

    1. Oh that's not good - when summer is that miserable that it just slides into autumn with out a fanfare - hope you have a decent autumn to make up for it

  4. I agree. There is normally a day in late July/very early August when it's almost like time standing still, and I can feel that summer is behind us. August may well bring a heat wave but as you say, the wheel has turned and we start noticing shorter nights and the last breath of summer.

    1. I felt that standing still moment on the Monday - and was instantly aware that summer was definitely waning and autumn slipping in ....

  5. Not ready either, but it is already starting to feel/taste/smell like Autumn.

    The last two nights I have closed up the greenhouse after supper because it is so chilly, that's not right, not at the beginning of August ๐Ÿ˜ž

    I loved our little heatwave last month and constantly have the old Harry Nilsson song playing in my head - I want to be "where the weather suits my clothes".

    1. I loved that heatwave and would happily swelter for a bit longer - and yes - I also want to be where the weather suits my clothes!

  6. Smelt it...felt it..thought not already!
    Heard the silence..all the fledglings gone

    1. That was the first thing that noticed, I now look every day for the swifts (usually the first to go) and the swallows and sigh a sigh of relief when I see them!

  7. I refuse to think about autumn yet!

    1. Sorry !
      I could not even type that word when I wrote the post!

  8. So it's not just me! I was shocked to find the bedroom windows had condensation on them yesterday. I like the blame the long, hot, dry spell for making the trees start to lose leaves and not autumn! How about we start a campaign to bring back the hot weather? I too have shut up my greenhouse at night now and put the electric blanket on.... x

    1. Let me know when you start that campaign and I'll sign up!

  9. PS

    The nights are drawing in too..... not happy

  10. We felt it too this week and whilst we do love autumn … we wouldn’t say no to a bit more sunshine ☀️

  11. I've sensed it but I'm choosing to ignore it :) It's too soon! X

  12. No no no, this is not allowed to happen until the last weekend of August! I will now rebel by donning a bikini and walking around the cool, mizzly garden..... cocktail in hand... What better way to spend a Friday night? ;) x


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Hawthorn x

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