

Looking back to move forward

I opened this page on the 20th of August - it has remained blank since then. I have since re-opened it a number of times - stared at the blank 'page' and then shut down. Why? Not sure, but what I do know - that although all my stories are still waiting, the words do not go down my fingers then on to the keyboard.

A dear friend - Jane contacted me and her conversation was around a post I did last year about blogging. It jolted me - I was not following my own advice.

So, I have decided to try again - except this time - instead of long stories and adventures, I will revert back to my original way of blogging. One photo and a small bit of meandering. Here goes.....

Having lost my crochet mojo (along with my blogging one), two weekends ago whilst watching Eldest's GF quietly crochet, I suddenly felt a longing to be doing the same. 

I am presently crocheting a BLO grey slouchy for work. A mid grey colour - coz it won't show my mucky hand marks. Well not so much! I'd forgotten the simple rhythmic pleasure of crochet.


  1. Good to see you trying......I'll admit to having bouts of doubt about blogging, but have kept going to make sure I don't lose all contact with folks. I have missed your crafty posts as you are so talented in many fields. Thanks for keeping me in the blog universe, take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. Thanks Susan - blogging does help keep you in the universe - helps reduce looking inward - so keep on blogging ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Let's here it for crochet! Good to see you are back, even if briefly. I know it can be an added pressure (when you have enough other pressures) to write blog posts so just write what you can when you can. x

    1. Most definitely! I am quietly pleased I am back with the hook - and I shall continue to do simple posts, keep that toe in the water so to speak xx

  3. I can sympathise with you over the loss of the crafting mojo. Since moving to our new house I have only done practical sewing on my machine - curtains etc. I want to get back to x-stitch, but can I find my works in progress? Must Try Harder and go through boxes in the attic . . .

    1. Practical sewing is enjoyable for so long - the rewards being very visible (like the completed curtains) however it is a different pleasure to crafting - definitely go through those boxes ๐Ÿ˜Š and see if you can find your cross stitch x

  4. I like to blog with pictures and a few words. Gathering it all together when the urge takes me.
    Commenting on other folks blogs is a struggle for me right now. But hey I’m here and so are you so I guess we both did well
    Lynn x

    1. I am with you on the commenting on other blogs. I read them, mentally reply/agree/laugh/nod etc but don't get round to putting down - need to make an effort - comments certainly helps x thank you for commenting on mine ๐Ÿ’—

  5. Welcome back. You have inspired me (again) to start crocheting. I stopped at the original lockdown March 2020 and done nothing since. So here goes...any idea how to find a home for kitty blankets?๐Ÿงก๐Ÿฆด xx

    1. Get that hook moving :) I am pretty sure it is good for the soul ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. It is a beautiful colour.. comfortably grey. We used to have a cat that colour

    1. I agree - a comfortable grey and I remember that cat ... Tigre? (or something like that?)

  7. I've been crocheting dish cloths. They are quick and easy. You are right, there is a wonderful rhythm to crocheting.

  8. I’ve not done any crafting in ages and I do feel it. Hopefully with the darker nights and cooler days I will get back into it over the autumn. Creating something is definitely good for the soul. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


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Hawthorn x

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