


 Random moments typed whilst listening to rain hammering down on the window.

A cranky cat, one who has just recently learnt that we humans are not as awful as she once thought. It has taken over seven long years for her to come to this point.  Her once sparse and wispy purr has grown into a deep fast rumble and it seems she has found her voice too - it has been a long wait and we still all delight in her sea-change.
The bumble bees seem to be working over time as the season rolls over - they hurtle from one late summer flowering plant to another with a sense of urgency. Last week I counted over 20 bumbles on a sedum while they slowly woke up as the early morning sunlight warmed them up. 
The cutting garden at work did us proud last week - we had an 'end of harvest' garden party with crafts and teas and we sold honey, vegetables, crafts and flowers - all from the kitchen garden. It was amazingly successful with everything selling out. There is a hunger out there for good honest produce at decent prices - something the charity I work for strives to achieve. 
The mesmerising Fibonacci arrangement of sunflower seeds never ceases to delight - the spiralling patterns can contain between 800 to 2000 seeds per head - mind blown! 
Borlotti beans come out of the pod in a luscious pink with a few sparse purply stripes then over the course of a few hours darken and the stripes increase.  
We were sitting in the park a week or so ago - myself, staff and volunteers - for our lunch when we could hear a bird sound that I could not identify. We listened for a while and various suggestions ranged from ... it is a child to .... may be a whining dog .... and could it be a car alarm? Not content with those ideas I went, with head tipped back, up to a tree where I traced the source - A juvenile crow quietly peeping to itself. I've not heard that sound emanating from them before so I wondered if this was it's first foray into the big wild scary world when it noticed me and gave the biggest most raucous caw which seemed to surprise itself as much as it did me. 
It is still raining although not as hard. I am very grateful that I am not working outdoors today - after several busy weeks and weekends - a quiet day pootling around at home, mug of tea in hand,  doing things that need doing sounds rather good!

Hope your Monday is being the day you want it to be 😊 


  1. Hello! Thank you so much for popping by my blog; it's lovely to 'meet' you. I love 'Cranky Cat'! How wonderful that she has found a loving forever home. Your 'End of Harvest' garden party sounds brilliant. If local, I would have been there like a shot! xx

    1. You are welcome - we used to follow each other some years ago and I came across your blog and thought I would drop in and say hi!

  2. It's wonderful your cat has found her voice. She sounds very content now. I enjoyed seeing all your photos and your story about the crow reminds me of an owl I keep hearing at night. It makes bizarre, comical hoots. I think it must me a young one learning its 'song'! Take care :)

    1. It has been a long time coming and we still can't believe after so many years she has suddenly 'come into her own' (finally!)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your cat looks very "zen" in that photo. I keep thinking maybe I should get a cat..........................

    1. She was at that moment - she was in the process of drifting off whilst we were all in the same room - something she would have not done a year ago never mind six months ago.

  5. Lovely flowers!
    Good to see a relaxed cat.

    1. The flowers certainly did well for us for our event - the heavy cropping seems to have perked them up too - hopefully I'll get a few more decent pickings before the weather changes :)

  6. We are in Wales at the moment and had lots of rain overnight … we have spent the day trying to follow the blue sky. Your end of harvest garden party sounds just lovely and I really hope my sunflower heads go on to develop seed before I get fed up with them and pull them up. I think they have a way to go yet but I would love to be able to,leave the heads out for the birds over winter 😃

    1. Hope the weather holds out for you - although I have just checked the live weather radar for my work today and see we are due another deluge!

  7. Lovely photos (as usual but more so this time!). Amazing that Cranky Cat has changed; she was always so timid and ready to run out of the room. Not oftn I see the word Fibonacci in a post! I think this year (for me) seeing the bees on the sedums has been magical. They come every year but this year seems special. x


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Hawthorn x

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