

Blogtober day 31 - you are a STAR!⭐

Today is the final post for #blogtober2021.

When I started I was a little unsure if I had enough waffle to fill a month of posts and I would falter. I did miss a couple of days and I did write some rubbish - no I wrote a lot of rubbish - so if you have read and commented throughout October you deserve a medal or at the very least a pat on the back - thank you!💜💙

This weekend was rather brief and very full - working on Saturday certainly put a dent into the enjoyment of having Eldest and GF over as they seem to leave as soon as they arrived but I am not complaining** - it was lovely having them stay over (** well I am complaining but only about having to work on the Saturday!!)

We went to see DUNE and we seemed to be (apart from one or two of the staff) the only ones wearing masks in the cinema foyer. I was also surprised how few folk were watching.  We were however, 'entertained' by the gentleman sitting IMMEDIATELY behind us (in an empty room that holds 180 people) as he sang loudly, fortunately tunefully, to the Beatles tunes in the lead up to the adverts and trailers.  He did give up on the film after the first hour as did a family of four quite young children. There was almost as much action in the cinema as there was on the screen! Did I enjoyed - yes, coz I love Sci-Fi - especially the epic trilogy type (cue Star Wars) and yes because we go out so infrequently that doing this was  'epic' in itself. 

The weather has been atrocious today and when there appeared to be a small window of relief we wrapped up after lunch and attempted a quick dog walk. As we reached the highest point just above the village we could see more rain rolling in rapidly so we decided to cut short our walk and only just got back in time before it began to absolutely throw it down. Strangely enough despite it raining hard, there was sunshine and a glorious rainbow.

So, once home and dried off - we made origami stars from old maps. It was lovely, just us (and a humpffing dog as she felt short changed over her reduced walk) and a couple of mugs of tea. 

Now it is dark, the weather is miserable, no chance of mini monsters, ghouls and witches braving the elements - rather glad as we have battened down the hatches - don't fancy any visitors tonight.

Right, enough waffle, I am off to the kitchen to cook - not sure what, I'll just have to open the cupboard and see what I am inspired by .... 

And if you have got this far - thank you for sticking it out and thank you for all your lovely comments!



  1. Lovely photo of the rainbow. Now I need to learn how to make the stars. I have lots of old maps, and this would be a perfect use for them! Thanks for the idea. Celie

    1. Thank you Celie - I have done a post on them back in 2016. If you go to my archive list on the right hand side of my blog - to 6th December 2016 - all the instructions are there - have fun!

  2. I love the rainbow also what a good idea to use old maps for origami. Haven't tried origami for years.

    1. Thanks Jean, we go through phases of doing then forgetting about origami - today was a good (wet) afternoon to get my hand back in

  3. Congratulations on completing "Blogtober". I'm not sure I could write every day. I love your stars so nice that you had a quiet night doing something fun. Have a great week.

  4. Thank you for sticking with Blogtober … I’ve really enjoyed reading your everyday ramblings 😃

  5. Congratulations, wonderful work, it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.
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  6. Congratulations, wonderful work, it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.
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  7. I for one have thoroughly enjoyed ALL your posts through out your Blogtober! I have read them all but not posted on all regretfully. Gorgeous star great way to use up old maps or other type of paper. Like yourself I throughly enjoy reading or watching sci fi films and I am so looking forward to seeing Dune. I have read all the books no mean task as they are intense. I have seen the two old DUNE films and now looking forward to this one. By the way I finally completed my first hat from your pattern and have mentioned it on my latest post. It was plain sailing thanks to your clear instructions. Keep well. Amanda x

  8. Well done on Blogtober!
    Your writings have been inspiring

  9. Boo hoo, we have reached the end of October and thus the end of your daily posts. I always looked forward to see when you'd done your post. I hope you gave yourself a gold star for doing the Blogtober. Thanks for entertaining me and making me smile. x

  10. Your stars are lovely. My Rufus won't go out in the rain, which is good because I don't like going out in rain either!

  11. Well done for a whole month of daily blogging, that is no easy feat! Love the beautiful map made stars :) x

  12. Enjoyed your daily blogs. Quite a challenge you set yourself.❤️xx


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Hawthorn x

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