

Sniff sniff

I have a very keen sense of smell - my minor 'claim to fame' is I can (or I used to be able) tell which animal was on the surgery table before I saw them - by the smell of their fat..... (now you were not expecting that were you!)

Any hoo - onto nicer scents. I have just popped a fruit cake into the oven - one that requires all the fruit, spices, butter and sugar precooking in a pot before the flour and egg can be added. There is a deliciously spicy fragrance drifting through the house. It is a warming and welcoming scent and I am sure it will send Himself's nostrils aflare as he walks in!

I have just been experimenting with making mindful 'shower melts' - a natural bicarb and essential oil 'tablet' which you pop on the floor of your shower as you switch on the hot water. These natural tablets fill the bathroom with an invigorating waft of orange or sleep inducing lavender - I shall blog another time once I have used them. 

The washing machine has been churning away as I worked through my wardrobe. I am continuing on my mission to clear away the clutter and simplify my life. The clothes I am keeping which had been squashed behind all the other 'katunda' (clutter) stashed in the cupboard have been washed to freshen up. The weather outside is so dreary and damp that the clean clothing is hanging on the 'Victorian Kitchen Maid' - no I am not being 'posh' I really do suspect it is that old as I received it from a rather elderly gentleman when he had a clear out about 20 years ago ... it had been his mother's - she died when she was 105 ..... apparently it had been in their house 'forever'...   Anywhere this meandering story is going is there is a lovely fresh scent of washing upstairs, I am looking forward to hanging them back in my now virtually empty wardrobe.

Still on with simplifying my life I worked through a wicker basket filled with cables, ex-mobile phones, chargers, laptop cables, scart wires, headphones and laptop to MP3 players (yes remember those?) and other wires of varies vintages and dotages. The ones I recognised - I dealt with and those I didn't were photographed and sent to Youngest who very quickly replied regarding what could be ditched and which should be saved. Good thing he did - I think I would have thrown out far more than I did!

Now it is that quiet half hour before Himself returns from work, so supper is about to be started (Monday's seem to be the only day I am organised or not too tired), I best check the fruit cake, there is a warm and cakey fragrance drifting into the lounge and it calling to me!



  1. My grandma had one of those Victorian Kitchen Maids, a wash tub, washboard and mangle. If I remember correctly she used to use Omo washing powder and definitely dolly blue bags. Aren't we spoiled these days with our automatic washing machines but I'm envious of your Kitchen Maid.

    1. My husband's gran had all those too and years ago when we cleared her house we could not get anyone to take any of it - nowadays it is seen as much sort after historical items of interest!

  2. I installed one in my last kitchen, above the Rayburn - it was handy for all sorts of things. There was one above the bath here when I moved in - a very welcome sight.

    1. Ours is at the top of the stairs so catches all rising heat - things dry very well up there :) they are very useful

  3. We always called them Sheila Maids

    1. Sheila Maids! I was trying to remember their name and ended up having to look on line and could only find Victorian Kitchen Maids - thank you for reminding me 😄

  4. I have been making full use of Freecycle this week by clearing some of the books of my shelves and finding new homes for them. Arilx

    1. I have used freegle and freecycle with variable success - charity shops usually do well out of us though!

  5. When I moved into this house just over 40 years ago there was one of those clothes rack things hanging above the open fire in the living room - the first thing I did was take it down and get rid, it was old, ugly, and spoilt the room! Your cake looks and sounds delicious, I can almost smell it from here :)

    1. We could not do without ours, it was old but rather beautifully turned wood, all we did was give it a lick of white gloss and it has been worth it's weight in gold - having said that - not in the lounge! Which is why we have it up at the top of the stairs where it catches all rising heat and dries the washing.

  6. I baked my Christmas cake at the weekend - love the scents of a fruit cake cooking.
    We had a drying rack for several years and just took it out a few years back but we're seriously considering putting it back in. It was in the kitchen which is tiny and kind of dwarfed and darkened the place, so it might end up going back up in the garage, but it'll not be thrown away for sure.
    Enjoy the de-cluttering - I've been in a ferocious throwing out phase all year - it is really exciting once you get started lol

    1. I need to get my Yule cake done, and hidden to keep it safe from himself!!

  7. I bake a fruit cake similar to yours but I just steep the fruits and various alcohols for a few days. It's never failed yet. Home made fruit cake is such a treat. I bet it will soon be consumed! x

    1. For a change I melted some marmalade and drizzled it on the hot cake and it has made it sticky and yum yum yum!

  8. Never had a proper drying rack, but always a fold up clothes horse, which with 3 children & living in quite wet areas of Oz, has certainly seen it's fair share of washing, especially this year too. I've always made use of our verandahs, as they are out in the fresh air, although under cover. Your cake sounds great & I'll get to mine once December arrives, along with hopefully some enthusiasm for card writing & maybe a little decorating closer to Xmas. Take care & hugs.

  9. I can almost smell your cake. Good luck with hiding your yule cake from G. xx


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