

Purple poppy puppa pictures

Where I work, one of our lovely volunteers has generously made crochet poppies for us to sell and raise funds for the The Royal British Legion and today she popped in to top up the basket with the final few she has made.

But joy of joys she has also made purple poppies to sell and she had kindly put one aside for Moss. So once I'd paid for it, Moss wore it with pride! (well - she didn't care but I was delighted!)

Two other 'staff' dogs have also 'bought' poppies and tomorrow we are going to do a purple poppy puppa line up - dog biscuit-bribes at the ready!  

'sit - stay - sit - SIT - SIT - STAY!!πŸΎπŸ˜πŸ’œ



  1. It's good to see purple poppies too remembering all the horses, mules , dogs and even pigeons that died for something they could not understand.❤️xx

    1. I agree - they did not know or understand what their sacrifice was for - such waste and sorrowπŸ’œ

  2. What a lovely thing for the lady to do. The purple poppy looks lovely and Moss looks good modelling it :)

    1. Moss would not sit still, so she was being bribed with a treat which only served to make her even more wriggly!

  3. The purple poppies are lovely and I always think about the poor animals who lost their lives at war. Your model doesn't look too happy and I hope you explained it's for a good cause :)

    1. no my model does not have photos taken of her unless she is facing the camera - we tried the treat biscuit trick but she just wriggled and shuffled and was silly!

  4. Moss looks very smart wearing her poppy. X

    1. It was lovely today - all the work dogs were wearing poppies πŸ’œ

  5. Purple suits her! Lovely to see Moss wearing her poppy and I will look forward to seeing the purple poppy puppa line up. Have you seen the film War Horse? I have several times it is a good film but it gets me weepy every-time! What all those animals went through for us Humans and on both sides! Amanda x

    1. I was taken to see the theatre production of War House and sobbed my eyes out - I was so invested in the puppetry that when the ghost horses representing all the horses who'd perished 'cantered' around the stage - it just finished me off!

  6. Replies
    1. It was - we are lucky we have such thoughtful volunteers we work with :)

  7. I agree with Crafty in the Med, in that purple suits Moss! Well done that lady. x

    1. I thought you'd like them - it so your colour tooπŸ’œ

  8. Oh Moss, you do wear your poppy well! xxx

    1. Thank you - she is so tolerant of what I do to her - she is treasure :)


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