

The dangerous bun diaries

 I have never eaten a chocolate bun with a cake fork before.......

However, today I made an exception. I'd made the buns last night and we nibbled a couple whilst still warm and un-iced.  Today, I made chocolate icing, using the 'add a bit of syrup' method. This gives the finished icing a slight caramelly flavour and the most impressive glossy shine and also helps to distract from the bitter-dry aftertaste that some cocoa powders leave.

I may have been a bit generous when I glooped the syrup...... so, on each bite a slow lava flow of thick chocolate icing oozed generously down the sides all over my fingers and my face and the more I wiped and licked, the more it spread... after I'd had two bites and had to first lick, then wash my hands each time, I resorted to a cake fork.

When, later, I handed them around with cake forks and mugs of tea and received curious looks - I explained 'they're dangerous buns - you'll need forks' they soon understood!



  1. In this house they would have simply gone in all in one go ๐Ÿ˜
    They sound delicious. X

    1. They WERE! as in - they have all gone, chuckle!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh definitely! washed down with mugfuls of Assam tea

  3. Anything that gooey and dripping has to be absolutely delicious and worth all the hand washing!

  4. Sounds like fun. Take care & hugs.

  5. They look delicious ๐Ÿ˜‹

  6. Sticky and delicous. I love icing made with golden syrup, reminds me of Fish Hoek, Peggy always did it that way. ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿฆดxx

  7. They look and sound delicious and just my kind of thing but no use me even thinking about them - I gave up eating cake in January!

    1. I'd happily go with out cake - however it is an ever presence in our house due to the hollow legs of the menfolk I live with!

  8. Love your cupcakes; we make 'exploding' sandwiches that can only be eaten in the privacy of one's home! But I like finger licking.... x


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