

Feeding the soul


Saturday was planned on being a quiet day apart from Himself and I getting our boosters first thing. We would spend the rest of the day gently biding our time while arms hurt and potential heads ached.
Then Youngest put in a request for help to collect his plants and computer and some furniture from his uni house. So after we'd been jabbed, we jumped in the van and drove up through large drifts of thick  grey mist and met up with him. After chatting and cradling mugs of hot tea, we loaded the van with his things then drove down to the docks for Moss. (Well, for us too - we love walking around that area and even though we knew there'd be no views, we still wanted to breath in the salty freshness).
The air was laden with fine cool droplets which swirled through the trees and drifted over the water. It had a damper effect making sounds seemed distant and hollow. The lapping of the sea against the boats felt almost as if a memory while bird song was paper thin and faint.
Dog walkers appeared out of the gloom and we nodded our heads in solidarity on our dog exercising duties.  A distant tractor's engine crackled and faded as we followed the old railway track.
Along the basin, where the narrow boats and the sea going yachts berth for the winter, water fowl paddled through the gloom with the occasional 'yark' or 'breeet' call seemingly bouncing off the water and rolling on to the shore. 
Moss of course wanted to swim and managed a quick paddle, rinsing off the mud from her legs and losing her ball in the process. Oh well, it had been a foundling in the first place - may it bring joy to the next dog who finds it.
I love reflections and the otherworldly images they give and even in this half light there were plenty to please me.

It was a short walk, but the difference it made was wonderful, Himself and I (and Moss) got back in the van and began the two hour long trip home.


  1. Replies
    1. It was a wonderful mix of strange and wonderful - lovely to see the place in a different light

  2. Lovely 🙂 So atmospheric. Looks like the thick fog/mist/cloud (whatever it was) stretched further south than I realised.

    1. The same murky stuff was a low as Penistone, South Yorkshire - coz my Eldest son and his lovely girl drove through it last night - not sure how much further down it was from them though.

  3. Good photos. We too have woken up to dense fog - not a sign of the many lights across at Llanelwedd quarry in the night or now. A good day to hunker down and carry on decorating our bedroom before a new carpet is laid in the New Year.

    In a search for jam making equipment I came across a (very) random tray of old playing cards and oddments and a small un-made-up x-stitch Christmas decoration so I watched Strictly last night, whilst blanket-stitching the border. Very therapeutic.

    1. Sometimes hunkering down is the best thing to do (especially with some sort of crafting in hand!)

  4. The mist did not lift much yesterday. We set off for a walk but decided against walking in the mist so walked around a quiet backwater of our town, an area we've not walked round before. Interesting places but at least we had views! I do like it when Moss takes you for a walk... xx

    1. Today is in stark contrast! Beautiful blue skies - you'll be able to get your walk in today :)

  5. I've only ever seen that place in sunshine, it certainly looks atmospheric in the mist. A shame Moss lost her ball but as you say, maybe another dog will find it and enjoy playing with it.

    1. We often 'find' and 'lose' balls, I say we ... I mean Moss! so it seems to be fitting that one we found there she left there for another to play with :)

  6. I do love your photos. Thank you for sharing them.

  7. It's nice you were able to walk before the drive; helps break things up. Plus I find, I'm stiff as a board after sitting in the car for any period of time. Age does that. The pictures look like what I call pea soup day. We had one of those days yesterday where you couldn't tell if it was misty or fogging. It seemed to change back and forth. Not my cup of tea, I tend to stay indoors and try to ignore the weather, being a lover of sunshine; this time of year is not my favorite. I've already started my count down to spring. My friend hates sunshine and could have love your day. She and I couldn't be more opposite and we both moan about the weather at different times. Glad you enjoyed your day. Spotted you on a mutual friend's blog and thought I'd pop in to say hi. Always fun to meet new bloggers, do swing by for a visit.

    1. Hi Sandy - nice to meet you! I live for and love the warmer days, I have had to learn to 'live with' not necessarily like the cold and the damp! I shall pop over and say hi :)

  8. Your photos are beautiful Kate - like Jean said, I love seeing them x

  9. You've captured the past few days' fog perfectly, it looks a lot nicer than it did in Walsall!
    Yay for getting your boosters sorted! xxx

    1. Yay for boosters, boo hiss for feeling rubbish and having a 'rubber' arm for two days hahah

  10. Wonderful photos, so atmospheric. I was out canoeing on Saturday and it was a beautiful clear sunny day then the sun started to set and we were on a river by then and the mist came down and we could not see very far, it was exactly like your photos and totally wonderful to be canoeing through x

    1. Thank you :) what a wonderful image you painted with mist and paddling through it. Beautiful x

  11. It was foggy in Wiltshire yesterday...very atmospheric. Arilx

    1. I wonder how wide the coverage of the fog/mist was yesterday? it seems we all have something of a misty morning and yes it was very atmospheric - made for excellent photographs :)

  12. Some brilliant descriptions of sound - 'paper thin and faint' bird song, tractor noise which 'crackled and faded', 'hollow', 'yark and breeet' - well all of them really! Bx


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