

A Monday of many colours (not just blue!)

Today is supposed to be 'Blue Monday' - which was created by a travel company to boost sales during a rather dull January ... there is - apparently - nothing medically or scientifically proven yet it is still touted as an actual 'thing' and looking out the window now, I wouldn't mind a bit of a BLUE sky to admire as it is rather dreary and grey out there. Any hoo.

I have been wandering around inside my head deliberating a theme for today's post. There are a number of stories that are rumbling around and I've been rerunning them to evaluate their 'story-ness' worth.

I have toyed with the one where the postmistress and I laughed conspiratorially together behind the curtain of the photobooth, where the rather boring and essential task of having an image taken for a driver's license turned into a moment of shared silliness with a stranger. However, when I tried to write it - it was not as funny and the act of typing it lost the spontaneity and immediacy of the situation.

So I wondered about our most enjoyable walk - the  one we did yesterday with Youngest and his lovely GF. However, as beautiful the views were or how gently mild the weather - it was just a walk. Nothing outstanding. Nothing earthshattering. Just a gentle good humoured trundle around the hills, along the coastline and through a nature reserve with lovely people. One that leaves you with a happy heart but not necessarily a story.

On the baking front - I've tried something new, which I will share, just not right now.

The blanket is almost done, the border is the final push and then the last few ends to weave in.
Lots goes on, life rolls forward, days lengthen and clouds fill the sky. 

Nothing really worth waffling on about.

And in the interest of 'eye candy' I took the blanket in the van yesterday as we drove up to the South Lakes and with the 'assistance' 😆(I use that word hesitantly!!) of Youngest - I took a photo of said blanket draped on a wall. 

So if you'll excuse me I have a date with a crochet hook, a mug of tea and a blanket on the settee - speak to you soon xx


  1. Wonderful blanket-wish I could crochet.

    1. Thanks su-zee - it is amazing what you can learn on youtube!

  2. Wonderful blanket-wish I could crochet.

  3. We did have a little blue sky mid morning.....
    That is a cracking blanket!! Lovely work

    1. No, we didn't - mostly mushy grey stuff with wisps of mists drifting through the village trees.
      Thanks re the blanket - ready to move it on to it's home so really pushing on with finishing (plan to do so tonight!!) Did you find your pieced block?

  4. You're the second Blogger I've read referring to blue Monday. I didn't know that was a thing. January is just a long month!

    1. It is just a PR stunt and driven by commercialism - and annoys me that so many folk fall for it!!

  5. That blanket looks more amazing each time. Speaking of stories - it's hard to get one together sometimes. I envy your ability to 'see' a picture and create it. I daresay a lot of hard work and practice has built on your natural talent. It's the same with stories. Sometimes you just twist things around a little and you find you have a tale. I hope you enjoy the crochet.

    1. I usually have a story ready to type out with several whirling around in my head, but today non of them felt worthy enough to commit to publishing :)

  6. It's nice to hear about your day, whether exciting or just a "day" of nothingness, which is what so many of us experience, especially over the last 2 years. Your stone wall is way more exciting than mine was for our blankets. Your wall has lichen, ferns & character. Monday for us was seeing DD & family & helping her weed one garden(long overdue) and pick up some pallet timber SIL had for us, so not a blogpost worthy day either, but with the 16 & 14 year olds both being way taller than me now< I'd love to be able to share a photo of us altogether, but alas, I haven't permission. Take care, stay warm & hugs.

    1. Thanks Susan, glad you got to see family on Monday :) some days are so normal that it is not worth waffling about it :)

  7. Oh wow! Your blanket is gorgeous. I would love to learn to crochet to be able to make a blanket but I yet to master it. I have tried you tube and books, I think face to face might be the answer for me.

    We had blue skies all day here, it has been glorious, sorry you probably didn't want to hear that.

    1. Have you ever looked at Attic24 blog? she is predominantly crochet and she painstakingly photos every step, annotates the pictures and talks you through it - worth a look. She has lots of gentle tutorials along the side of her blog and keeps things simple and friendly :) (and am ignoring your blue skies comment 🤣)

  8. The blanket is lovely. So much work went into it...

    1. Thanks Debi - it keeps me quiet in the evenings (and my hands busy!)

  9. Love the blanket. The sunset photo is brilliant. I agree that a walk can be very good without lots of oohs and aahs. Just walking is good. x

  10. Blanket looking gorgeous. Now just the border and finishing off. The lucky recipient will absolutely adore it. Just her colours. 🧡🦴

  11. The blanket is AMAZING!!! Pure crotchet fabulousness :) x


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