

Take care

The last few years I have chosen a word to guide me, inspire me and remind me through out the year. A gentle nudge towards what I am hoping to reach or attain. Nothing like rocket science, more a gentle loving hug to help me along the way.
In 2019 - I chose walk. And walk I did. Through injury and self doubt, through stress and  unemployment, through rain and snow and wind and sun. I did it, I walked and completed a #walk1000miles challenge and found my head began to clear and I felt better for it.

A couple of years ago I chose journey. I needed something to work towards, I still felt 'lost' and directionless so by gifting myself a word that required some 'movement' meant that I did in fact - have something to achieve. The journey was not so much packing my bags although that would be part of my plan, it was more of a journey towards a better me. It also turned out to be a word that gave me strength to get through 2020 along with the rest of the world - we all had to journey through strange times and we all had to survive as best we could. Travelling through 2020 was a different type of journey I had hoped to navigate but it was one I learnt from and am still learning.

Last year's word was courage and I needed that so so many times through 2021. New job with a lot of new responsibility and so much to learn and to understand and to deal with. Some days I felt pulled thin having to do something that years ago would not have even concerned me. I needed my word and it certainly gave me the courage I needed.
Which leads me to this year's word. I have been waiting for it to fall into place. There have been several gently whirling around my head each one with merit, each one worthy but none felt completely right, until as I was taking a photograph of the sun's late afternoon rays glowing in a heavy cloud that 'my word' whispered to me.
CARE. Self care, care of the environment, care in completing daily tasks, care of those who need an extra moment, for those who need reassuring and that gentle 'care' that does not take much but means so much more. Care for those I love.
I suspect (I know) this one is going to be hard, going to test me as I am impatient, can be short tempered and hot headed (Himself blames my hair colour...!) But I am willing to let my word guide me.

My word. 

And you? Do you have a word that you choose to guide you through the year?



  1. I've never chosen a word but I do enjoy reading and hearing about words that others chose. I wish you luck with your 2022 word... it's a good one! Have a great week!

  2. My daughter and niece have a fledging nonprofit that blends positive mental health with the arts. They have dubbed 2022 the year of Self Care and have a different theme each month. Care is a great word.

    1. Oh that sounds wonderful - I would love to read about their venture x

  3. Good Kate and I've enjoyed this post about your words over the last few years and have been struggling with a word for this year myself. Last year I chose "hope" & although I faltered through it somewhat I had moments when I felt hopeful, but I feel a little lost now with our worsening variant. Need to keep thinking so I know what to pick that is appropriate for this coming year. Thanks, take care & hugs.

    1. Try again :) see if it helps xx I owe you an email - I love the photo you sent, you should post about it (unless it is a gift!) because it beautiful!

  4. Hard to choose a word for a whole year.
    Care is a good word ((0))

    1. I find that making myself open to finding a word, it does eventually arrive and this one felt right for me xxx

  5. Care is a great word. Taking care should come so naturally but yet it can be such a hard thing to do at times. I wish you luck with your word, and may you have lots of wonderful experiences and moments living up to your goals.
    I haven't really chosen a word but I think "journey" would be kind of obvious. This special time we live in, with the pandemic and all the changes it has brought upon us, reminds me of having to navigate a ship in rough seas, being careful not to hit the rocks and sink it all. So far, I've kept afloat, and I guess that's something.

    1. Care - I agree, is a deceptively simple word but if you think about it - if you are busy and get on with whatever you do - sometimes it takes a bit of effort to show some one else consideration or kindness in your 'busy-ness'. This is my weakness, I am often so busy that I keep going rather than showing self care or care for those that need it - time to remedy that. Hope journey works for you as well as it did for me xxx

  6. You have had some excellent words. I love the one you have this year. For the First time I have a word. Not one I choose but one given to me by a wise lady. She gave me Balance to help me adjust to life after the death of my husband, and I think its going to be a Good word for me.

    1. Balance. That has a lovely resonance to it - and your wise friend knew that you needed it - hope it helps, hope it gives you that gentle hug of support as you navigate 2022 xx

  7. Replies
    1. So simple - deceptively simple - but I suspect a lot of work and yes it is a good word and I hope I can do it justice 💗

  8. Your word is a good one and I hope it guides you in all you do through the year. It's hard to choose a word for a whole year but I find as I get older I get less stressed about things and more laid back so I think I would have two words - acceptance and hope. Acceptance of things I cannot change and hope that anything I can change works out right.

    1. Eunice - your words of acceptance and hope are inspired - and your reason for them both is perfect. Here is to navigating 2022 with your words xxx

  9. Glorious photos, Kate! I love that you choose a word and live by it throughout the year. xxx

  10. Hmm, as an Aries, impatient, short-tempered and hot-headed also describe me! I'm not very good at Caring for myself either - I am always working hard and never seem to put myself first. I will listen to your word for 2022 too.

    1. As a Gemini - I can emphasise! I hope 'our' word helps us both 💗

  11. I’ve not chosen a word for this year but think you’ve made a very god choice. I look forward to seeing how you get on 😃

  12. Happy new year Kate! A lovely post and a great choice of word for 2022. I'll piggy back on that and pick 'nuture' - the kids, my plants, my young fresh faced work colleagues (I am no longer the apprentice!) xXx

    1. Happy New Year to you too Lulu - love the choice of nurture and the recipients of your word x

  13. I have never chosen a word for the year, but like others have commented I enjoy reading about what others have chosen and why. I also love to read throughout the year how that word is for them.

    Care is a wonderful world, may it bring you everything you want and need it to.

  14. I have to agree with the previous comments so won't repeat them. I've not really chosen a new word/phrase this year but will continue with an earlier one 'have fun, find fun, no matter what life presents you with'. xx

    1. Love your have fun, find fun no matter what life presents you with - you certainly live up to this motto of yours xxx


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