

Hello February!๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’š

I've just blown back in from this morning's work - I was buffeted and pushed by a rather cantankerous breeze as it flew around the village. I have another garden to go to this afternoon which is perched on the edge of the moorland on a crest of a hill - I may have to take ropes and an anchor - want to make sure Moss and I are not blown up and away over the hills! 


I had a bit of an urge to do a look back on January, to remind myself of things to be thankful for. So many folk have said that this January felt that it was at least 667 days long if not more, however, I have to admit that, to me, it limped along like it always does -  a wet rag on a grey day

This year I have noticed that the garden at work I am between four and six weeks ahead of last year and with the private gardens I do, I have started three weeks earlier. So may be January has not limped as much as I first thought?
Moving the bee hives at work first thing before the girls wake up and get cross, 
another view of the choppy reservoir thanks to Storm Malik, 
Moss patiently watching me plant rows of tulips in the cutting garden, 
just one of the amazing sunsets we have experienced, a clear and frosty first moon of the year.

January was busy at work -  I don't often talk about it and although I do enjoy it, like all jobs there are days that are amazing and there are days that I do wonder what on earth possessed me to take it on. The vagaries of wind and weather, rain and volunteers, funding or the lack of it all play a part.

We, Himself and I, have managed a fair few local walks with a couple of exceptionally beautiful ones further afield. I am continuing my #walk1000miles for my fourth year running (as is Lovely Lady a fellow blogger and friend) and we keep an eye on each other's mileages. At the moment we are only four miles apart having both reached over 100 miles of walking for January. Hope we can get more miles in as the days lengthen and warm up!

Last weekend I happily handed over the crochet blanket which has kept my crafting side busy for most of this last month and now I am at a bit of a loss what to do. There is a bit of weaving on my loom which needs the ends sewing in but that seems to be taking an age to complete!

A snowy scene from a cold but brilliant walk, a bucketful of worms, 
the crochet blanket, 
seed planning and sewing at work, 
Moss waiting for us to finish our brews and get walking again.

The worms I won (yes, I know - a strange prize) have happily been installed in their worm towers at work and I am super chuffed to say they seem to have settled in well and doing what worms do best!

I chose my word of the year 'Care' to help guide me through 2022 during January and it has certainly stayed close to me, hope it does as the year continues.

Pan - the cat - seems to be making continuing and wonderful progress at 'being nice', it has only taken nine years for her to realise that humans are not that bad and being stroked and tickled is rather good and purring is not that hard to do! Long may this sea change in purrrsonality carry on!๐Ÿ˜ธ

January was a fairly steady month, nothing outstanding happened yet so much 'normality' has, walking, working, making, planning, eating and just being. We do what we can in such a topsy turvy and unsettled world and hope that as the year progresses, the seasons turn and the sun returns that life will continue to be kinder and gentler to us all.


A rather random and meandering post I know - but I hope you too have found that January was not that bad and that February has room to improve!


  1. January is a weird one isn’t it? For a good few years we were hit with a January lethargy and just could not be a***d to do anything, which was a bit depressing. Then we had a couple of years where we embraced the lethargy and just enjoyed the slowness of it, hunkering down and chilling out. This year has been different again and for us has felt like a crazy busy and, at times, a bit of a stressful one … and I am missing the lethargy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. I’m looking forward to things warming up and getting back out in the garden again that’s for sure ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    1. I dislike the 'nothingness' of January, it's mostly to do with the weather however this one although still a dreary one has been a good one for me

  2. AS only my second January at home in years I really enjoyed the last month. Obviously backpacking around India would have been my first choice but the crisp sunny days, empty pubs and bargains galore in charity shops have been fab. I've even learnt to embrace woolly jumpers! xxx

    1. I'd noticed the additions of woolly goodness in your wardrobe!

  3. That blanket is utterly amazing! And it is well known here that it takes twice as long to weave in ends as it took to make the original thing.

    January has been a bit like overcooked lettuce, but there have been worse starts to the year.

    1. Thank you!
      I have finally woven in all the ends, took aaaaaaages!!

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed January. Lots to do and lots of catching up with friends. Arilx

    1. January was a quietly good month, it is just the dreary weather that gets me ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Loved reading about the beginning of your year with work, walks & trying to get our heads around this strange world we are living at the moment. We've also had a very "lethargic" January due to heat, and although no odd days in the 40's, we've had more days over 30 than usual & what with the humidity which isn't all that normal this far south, it's been very draining. I suppose weather is just "weather" & my word being courage is sort of playing along with me, having to have the "courage" to get to and keep doing what needs to be done when we are feeling sluggish. Thanks for keeping me grounded with your posts, take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. As it gets cooler I'm sure things will feel easier x don't give up x

  6. I had high hopes for January. I will be sure to lower my expectations again next year. I'd happily settle for steady :) Here's to a brighter February. Xx

    1. I think January often can be rather disappointing for many reasons, so your idea of lowering your expectations will probably be an excellent plan - then when something good happens it will be a lovely surprise ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’š

  7. I can't imagine what sort of competition it was if you won some worms but at least they were a useful prize. I'm glad Pan is being nice and I love the expression on Moss's face while she's waiting for you to finish your brews :)

    1. Winning the worms was purely to encourage 'worm farming' to help boost lagging worm populations, there were a limited amount so I entered and was fortunate enough to win - they now live happily at work.

  8. I must be odd as I found that January whizzed by. At this rate it will be autumn again.... Looking back to January 2021, the weather then must have been worse than January 2022 as I didn't do much walking that month last year but this month I've done loads. I agree some days have been very grey but I just surround myself with colourful fabric and yarns! Your blanket looks fab. I now sew in the ends after I do about 10 rows as I can't face leaving them all to the end. Have you noticed the date today? 2-2-22.... I remember our maths teacher at school pointing out 6-6-66..... xx

    1. January has been a bit of a marmite month - those who dreaded it and those that found it flew by - I found it dreary but purely based on the weather, it still went along at a fair lick.

  9. Congrats on the walking. I just checked my fitbit stats for January and have 115.31 miles for the month. Not being home in cold Ohio, I have been able to get out and walk, and ride my bike more. So, we'll see how February shapes up. The afghan turned out wonderful. So many pretty colors. Time to start a new project.

    1. Thank you! And well done on your mileage too :D I am at 126.72 miles today

  10. I don't like January, it's a cold, damp, dreary month. I do like worms, they are so good for the soil.

    1. Chuckle - I love our worms at work - they are quite a talking point and yes this January has been particularly dreary


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