

Monday doing what it does best - being a Monday....

Monday morning meanderings whilst waiting ....

For the washing machine to finish the final spin.

For the 'smart meter' man to arrive .

For my mug of tea to cool enough to take the first slurp.

For Youngest to let me know when I can collect him and his girl from the train station.

Thought I would share our weekend escape but need to give a bit of a back story first......

Two weeks ago in a moment's lapse in concentration, Moss spotted some children who happily (and quite innocently) yelled out - look at the doggy! Said doggy trotted over to say hello.......straight into the path of a car. Said doggy then bounced off the bumper, rolled beneath the front and had her paw squished beneath the tyre.
I never saw or heard any of this as I was about to put my boots on so Moss and I could go for a walk, my son and his lovely girl were first on the scene and scooped up a bruised and bleeding dog. She was carried back over the road where by now, I was there and grabbed her bleeding paw, shutting my hand over tightly to reduce further blood loss while I pressed and poked the rest of the dog to see if anything else was hurting or broken. Then out of nowhere our neighbour (who is a vet) arrived and between us we bandaged and checked over Moss. Meanwhile Youngest had got his car ready and we bundled in a very sorry and bloodied dog and headed off to the veterinary surgery.
Anyhoo, one sorry dog with comedy patchwork foot and bruising and one rather large (but deserved) vet bill later, we brought her home. The parting instructions from the vet - who looked young enough to have only left senior school last week - keep her quiet, gentle exercise for ten days, no swimming etc……. Youngest and I looked at each other and both thought ‘yeah right - you don’t know this dog!!!!
Fast forward to this weekend - her stitches are the dissolving kind, she has had the all clear from the vets, had all her medication and was now suffering a seriously large bout of cabin fever. Moss was at bursting point and was beginning to bounce off walls. 
Youngest and his girl did their best with lead exercise and entertainment while I was at work, however Moss has such busy feet and a busy head that she very quickly got bored with ‘ill health’ and needed some serious play time.
So on Saturday we took her (and us!) in the van to Glasson and spent two days playing in the sea, walking along the canal, ‘falling’ into mud and puddles, following paths and exploring new places.
Bless her, by Sunday afternoon she was tired and a little stiff but you could she loved every minute. As we prepared to come home - a chilly breeze struck up so we wrapped her in her duvet, gave her some chews and let her sleep all the way home - happy happy dog indeed!
It is so easy to blame the children who called her - even though they did not, 

it would be so easy to blame the car driver for not seeing the dog - but it was not her fault (despite her driving off at break neck speed as soon as she saw Youngest hurtling down to scoop up his dog), 

it would be so easy to say ... she's never done that before - but you can't put the onus on an animal. 

It was our brief lapse in concentration that caused it and despite what could have happened - fortunately it didn’t and we are so so very lucky that Moss got away with just bruises and a patchwork paw……. 
Back to the here and now, the ‘smart meter men’ (two of them) have landed, they have drunk the tea I made them, they seem to be 'heeing and hawing' over the placement and the vintage of our existing meter, the power is off and I am waiting for the confirming call from Youngest to say he and his girl are finally on the train.

Moss wants to watch the ‘smart meter men’...

Not because she is being a guard dog,

not because she is interested in what they are doing,

no, they are both working right next to her big bag of dog food …..🤣😂


  1. Awww, poor Moss :( I'm glad she escaped with just a damaged paw when things could have been so different, and that she's well enough to go out and about again. Your weekend sounds lovely, and looking at the photos it's obvious that Moss enjoyed it. I love the photo of her standing in the puddle, it's a classic :)

    1. Thank you Eunice :)
      I have replied to your query via IG messages - hope it helps :)

  2. I'm glad she recovered well. Poor girl.

    1. Thanks Sam - she did recover quickly (fortunately) we were very lucky!

  3. Heart in mouth reading your tale - and a reminder that it can take less than a second for things to change.

    So glad she was not more seriously injured, and that this has a happy ending. Was the driver who sped off ever identified? What sort of b*tch knows they have hit an animal and runs away? 🤬 🤬

    1. We were just thankful it was more of a reminder than a finality - I must admit I was disappointed that the car driver just took off at high speed, it was not her fault however she must have decided that we might try and foist the vet's bill on to her .... there were loads of witnesses, including the distraught children and family who she'd trotted over to see plus others who were doing the school run. We have her number plate and car make and she is a local, many folk said they knew who it was. We were/are just so pleased to have our dilly dog with us in one piece(s) with her patchwork paw!

  4. Oh gosh … I’m so glad she is ok. It must have been a pretty frantic few minutes before you realised she wasn’t too badly hurt 💜

    1. it was rather tense for a while but once she was home and wrapped up in her duvet we all collectively sighed a sigh of relief!

  5. I'm glad Moss was no worse. Yes I spend half my life waiting too. Mainly for the phone to ring.

    1. Thanks Jean :) some days are like that - constantly waiting for some one to respond/turn up/ring etc!

  6. Oh my goodness, that hurt my heart for both Moss and you. Things happen we have no control over but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I'm so glad she's better and got to romp and find all the water. Sending her and all of you hugs of love. Sharon

    1. Thank you Sharon, I can 'joke' about it now, but at the time it was horrible - but seeing her bouncing around with a silly grin on her face made things much better :)

  7. Oh Moss, I'm sending very belated hugs and well wishes & understand Kate that these things can happen in the blink of an eye. Having met Moss, I know how friendly & lovable she is. Glad she's on the mend & hopefully you too with all the worry. Glasson looks nice with lots of seascape that you've captured in photos. Take care & big hugs to all from down under.

  8. That must have been a dreadful shock for you all, not the least Moss. Good to hear that she has made a full recovery and got her water fix at the end of it.

  9. Oh no, poor Moss and poor you. That must have been so frightening for all of you. I'm so happy your beautiful girl is revovering well. xxx

    1. Interestingly enough I just went straight into vet nurse mode and Moss stopped being 'my' dog and became 'A dog' that needed helping, it was only afterwards that I realised how lucky she (and us) were!

  10. I am absolutely horrified to hear about Moss,the waterdog's accident. My heart went "glunk" for a moment as I read about the incident (strange how one hones into the bad news first) and rapidly read on and was so relieved to read that she is now better and back to her normal "aquatic " self. Poor you and family that must have been so scary! I shiver to think! Hugs! Amanda x

    1. I did try and write it as light heartedly as possible coz I did not want hearts to go 'glunk' too much! Glad you quickly became relieved!

  11. Oh poor but very lucky doggy. Please don't do that's much too A. Scary, B. Costly, C. Dangerous, & D. have a family and many blogging friends who care about you just sooo much. x

    1. A - it was
      B - it most definitely was
      C - that too
      D - it could have been heartbreaking - fortunately it wasn't! (big sign of relief)

  12. Gosh, Moss does have some adventures. So glad all is well and that she is back to her happy, wet, muddy self. Years ago a dog ran out of a garden and I clipped it with my car. The dog ran back home whimpering. I stopped and went to see the owner. Straightaway she said I was blameless (a departing friend had left the gate open) and to carry on and not worry. It was upsetting for me but glad I was not to blame. x

    1. Some adventures I would rather she did not undertake!
      We bumped a dog years and years ago - again not our fault - the owner had let the dog slip off it's lead and it just ran, we helped look for the dog as it just kept on running.

  13. Oh my! Poor Moss, and poor you. That must have given you quite a fright. I felt quite sick when I read what happened, so I can't imagine how you must have felt when you first realised.
    Thank goodness she is okay and that her injuries were minimal compared to what could have been.
    It is lovely to see her back in mud and puddles once again. X

  14. Poor sweetie! Please pass on gentle scritches and cuddles.

  15. Just catching up. Very glad to read that Moss is doing well. What a frightening thing! Hugs for her. Celie

  16. Monday Monday, makes me want to start singing the Mama's and Papa's song. Sorry you had such a time of it with Moss. Glad he wasn't injured worse than he was; but how horrible the driver didn't stop. No, it probably wasn't totally his/her fault for hitting the dog; but not to stop is a violation of laws around here. Glad Moss has mended so nicely. Monday here today is ugly, cold, wet, and very very dark. Only 10 in the morning, but I need all the lights on, as the house is so dark. Looks like it's going to stay ugly the whole long day. Argh...Monday!

  17. Oh poor Moss! Glad to hear from your more recent post that she is better xXx


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