

What weekends are for!

It is really early in the morning and I am sitting on tenterhooks whilst Youngest is about to do 'an interview of a life time' - fingers are crossed so tightly that typing could be difficult! **

So - to keep my overactive imagination doing somersaults I thought I would share our weekend adventures. We, Himself, Moss and I drove down to Eldest and his lovely girl and spent some time with them.  They had a couple of place they wanted to share with us and we had a pair of Eldest's shoes to return,  he'd accidently left them behind at their last visit!

On Saturday we popped into a lovely new eco-shop with a glorious range of deli-style foods, a refill station, gifts and locally made jewellery, I could have spent a fortune there! We have a community eco-shop in our village which has won several awards and it was really good to see how others interpret the same brief. Here is to many more popping up!

A selection of plants and fowl from Pot Hamlet
We then went to a little farm style 'retail village' where you can wander around whilst chickens stroll along the lane or be startled out of your skin by a shrieking peacock - brilliant! We had lunch there, tickled goats until they were almost comatose, laughed at ducks and guinea fowl, were amused by the posturing turkey cock and checked out the garden centre. After lunch we walked along the Silkstone Waggonway which started from the village - Moss thought that this was far more fun that 'shopping'! (Despite her being bought a 'doggy ice cream' and her scoffing it in record time!)
Moss says she's a lapdog!

That evening we shared a meal at our van and despite the chilly wind, it was a lovely evening - especially as Eldest and his lovely girl cooked for us and it was super yum!

The Trans Pennine Trail, lots of rain, stepping stones and a fascinating tunnel.

On Sunday, Eldest, Himself, Moss and I went for a walk along part of the Trans Pennine Trail. Although it must have rained for most of the way, the rain was warm and it turned out to be a really good walk (wet but good haha).

The tunnel was amazing, the reverberations and echoes were incredible!

All too soon we had to return home so after a delicious lunch of soup and cheese toasties, we headed home - tired but replete. These are what weekends are for - filling your soul ready to take on the next week!

**I am typing this at the end of the day and Youngest has returned from the interview feeling positive - it is now just a waiting game - fingers crossed!


  1. Good luck to your youngest. We had a disappointing spring for my youngest with internships, but she got summer employment at least.

    1. Thank you! Glad your youngest found summer employment 🙂

  2. I do hope the job interview was successful. Sounds like a great weekend with your son and his girlfriend anyway. We all need a complete family break on occasion.

    1. It was a lovely weekend thank you :) we're thinking positive thoughts for his job interview - hopefully we'll know soon

  3. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome. Xx

  4. I hope with all my being that youngest's interview went well & he gets the position. Your weekend away looks great and I enjoyed hearing about the "eco-shop" and wish we had some here. Reminds me of when I was young and nothing basically came packaged and you took glass jars for some things and brown paper bags were used for everything else and your basket carried fruit or veg as needed. Love the photos and the tunnel is amazing. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

  5. Oh, the darling woof and her ice-cream (I'd say 'melts the heart' but I suspect it was Moss's tongue rapidly melting the ice cream 🍦 🍨 ).

    Positive vibes to Youngest, xx

    1. Don't you be 'soft' on the ice cream thief!! she adores ice cream and will steal (it is the only thing she steals) with out impunity! hahah

  6. Your photography is amazing, makes me want to learn how to take better pics. Hope your youngest has a good outcome.

  7. Such lovely photos and your weekend sounds brilliant despite the rain. Look at Moss's happy face!
    Keeping my fingers crossed that your lad lands the job. xxx

  8. All sounding positive which is good. I'd rather love a weekend with absolutely NO WORK to be done...and breathe! x

  9. It sounds like a lovely weekend, and I hope the outcome for youngest is a good one :-)

  10. Loving your tunnel picture and it sounds like you had a marvelous weekend. Moss too. :)

  11. What an interesting walk, especially the tunnel. It's good Eldest lives in an area that is new to you. Fingers crossed for Youngest. As usual, Moss is the star. x


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